13. Are You Ready to Eat the Frog? With Khoa Hoang
Do you enjoy prospecting? Or maybe you absolutely hate it. In this episode, we meet with Qua Huang talking about prospecting, why it's so important, and the ways to push through it even if you don't enjoy it.
Eric:Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Business Boost Hour podcast. My name is Eric Beals, and I am the vice president of BNI Escondido.
Crystal:And my name is Crystal Pravette, and I'm the president of BNI Escondido. And welcome to the single CEU podcast. Thank you for joining us today, Qua.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Pleasure to be here. Thanks.
Eric:Alright. So, Qua, let's just start off first with kinda just telling, telling the audience, like, who you are just so we we get an idea on where you where you're coming from and and what you do.
Khoa Hoang:So I am a wealth manager, financial adviser. Been in the industry for, 14 years now. Mhmm. And, in terms of personal stuff as well, yeah, I have 3 kids. Got fiancee Zuri, who you guys know, and, 2 in college, 1 in high school.
Khoa Hoang:And Zuri's son, under the same roof as well. He's a senior in high school as well. So Mhmm. Lots on the personal side. Lots of kids stuff going on right now as well.
Crystal:And when you're not working, you're fishing. Right?
Khoa Hoang:That's it.
Eric:Lots of fishing. Lots of fishing.
Khoa Hoang:Fishing. That's right.
Eric:If you don't know, Kwa is, like, our our our fish master at, in our in our in our chapter.
Khoa Hoang:And Take that, Wes. Oh, man. Love it.
Crystal:A little healthy competition.
Eric:Yep. Yep. So today, we wanted to talk about prospecting. And so prospect, you know, prospecting is, is, kind of a challenging thing. That's kind of a sore spot for me, honestly, a little bit.
Eric:It's it's something that I need to work on myself and kind of get get better at. I'm more of an I'm more of an introvert, and so prospecting, you know, dealing going around and and following up with a lot of people and such too, not my favorite thing in the world. I'm more of, the back end.
Khoa Hoang:The processes. Yeah. Yeah. Yep.
Eric:So, but, so what is prospecting to you?
Khoa Hoang:So when I first started, at Edward Jones, I'm not from Southern California. My friends were largely degenerates, didn't have much money. Right? So I didn't have an affluent network. Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:So what I did was went and knocked on doors, just walked up and down the streets of Escondido, right, and just trying to find people that were willing to do business with me. And I did it, I'm not kidding, 12, 14 hours a day, for about a year and a half.
Eric:Right? Oh,
Khoa Hoang:man. It was not easy. One of my mentors said in terms of prospecting, nothing works. Just do a lot of it. Right?
Khoa Hoang:So whatever it is, that sales process isn't much fun, which I think is one of the powers of of BNI. Mhmm. Right? I mean, again, instead of knocking on somebody's door and trying to find business that way, I mean, again, building the network and the relationships and having some of that business come, organically Mhmm. As well.
Khoa Hoang:But,
Crystal:because even if you knock on all those doors, only a small percentage are actually interested in doing business. But within BNI, even you only have to walk in one door, and all of these people are interested in doing business.
Khoa Hoang:That's right.
Eric:Well, I thought that was really actually, I I like that advice that your coach gave you though because it's like, you know, you have to at the when whatever you do, you gotta put in the effort. Right? You gotta put in the well, it's knocking on doors or going to BNI chapters or, and it it's not gonna just kind of, like, magically come to you. You you definitely have to kind of, like, put that effort into it and and that that that the more of a go getter in this aspect that you are, I I think it's it's just gonna be like, okay. Maybe this doesn't work as well as maybe something else.
Eric:But if you're go getter, you're gonna make it work in some way. And then when you find the thing that works better for you, I think it's gonna be exponential, but you have to have that that go getter attitude.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So, you know, it's interesting. This past, meeting, Regina talked about the concept of the frog. Mhmm. Right?
Khoa Hoang:And I think in any business, I don't care what it is. Right? How are you gonna get people through the through the door? And typically, people aren't coming to you. You gotta be proactive.
Khoa Hoang:So my recommendations, right, have 3 to 5 different prospecting methods. For me, door knocking was one of them, but only 1. Right? BNI or networking was also one of them. Having education seminars or maybe creating a podcast for yourself might be one of them.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. Alright? As well. And then listen, it's not easy prospecting. None of us.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. None of none of us like
Crystal:resiliency muscle definitely has to be earned out.
Khoa Hoang:Right? Because here, the the the problem is people hate rejection. Everybody. Right? And it's tough getting all those noes.
Crystal:Unite. Right?
Khoa Hoang:I mean, it's just but it's just a natural part of the business building sales prospecting process. Right? So you just gotta do it. So it was interesting this past week for me when Regina was talking about the concept of the frog. And my guess is that most people, they're in it.
Khoa Hoang:I'm sorry. If you don't know the concept of the frog, I don't know. Maybe one of you guys wanna teed up.
Eric:I won't be able to describe it very well. I don't think.
Khoa Hoang:Okay. Yeah. So Regina was saying the frog is, like, kinda ugly, and you don't wanna deal with it. So what you should do on a daily basis is start your day by just eating the frog. Right?
Khoa Hoang:And if you have 2, really difficult things that you gotta get done or things you wanna avoid, Right? 2 frogs, eat the biggest one or the ugliest one first as well. Right? So just get it done, get out there, right, and just start the day by getting
Eric:Get the ugliest thing done first, and then the rest of the the rest of the day, the nicer things, it's gonna be excellent. It's kinda like, you know, if you eat dessert first, it kinda ruins your appetite for for regular dinner.
Crystal:Well, there's a there's a reason why that this is. It's because the way that our brain works, they did a really interesting study, about prisoner inmates that were trying to go for parole. And all of the people that tried to to request for parole, it didn't even matter what they had been in prison for or why they were asking to be released. What mattered was the time of day that they were actually slaughtered to to speak to the the judge. And everyone in the morning, they found a correlation between all of the people earlier in the morning that were getting released, but the people in the afternoon and evening were all being denied.
Crystal:And why was this? It's because the at the the frogs in the morning, when you have these harder challenges, it creates little more resistance throughout the day. So if you have a really great connection or a really great great call or something that you really, really want a positive outcome, the best time to do it really is in the morning before you've, created any extra resistance within your system.
Eric:Wow. So it's like the judge is basically kinda going like, I've already released 4 of you today. Yep.
Crystal:And not
Eric:even realize. I know. Yeah. I know. But I'm like, that's kinda what's happening.
Eric:It's like, I've released enough of you guys today, and then there's no. But it's
Crystal:not in our real life. That's so applicable.
Khoa Hoang:And then I think I mean, it it it makes sense. Right? So, before me, Ian came in. And, again, maybe a frog for him today was actually just getting in front of, a microphone and actually participating. Right?
Khoa Hoang:And then he do it. Not that bad. Right? Or wasn't that scary? It's not that intimidating.
Khoa Hoang:Right? So if you're able to kinda, I remember the first day, my my very first day, prospecting, and the day before, I picked the neighborhood and the exact door I was gonna start with. So I pull up to the neighborhood that morning, and I drove by the house and circled around the block. And then I drove by and circled around again. The 3rd time I finally stopped, got out the car.
Khoa Hoang:Ring the doorbell. Thank goodness nobody answered.
Eric:I had 2 beers the first time I made a cold call.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Right.
Eric:I literally was buzzed when I made my first my first cold call because I was so, like, petrified on it, and then they didn't even answer.
Khoa Hoang:But then you eat the frogs. Not that bad.
Khoa Hoang:Right? It's not that bad. And your your call probably wasn't that bad. Right? I mean, again, it's, because at the end of the day, you're still connecting with people and Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:You 2 are both exceptional at connecting with people, right, as well. And I don't know. Even if you get some rejection, it's in a it's in a good way too. Right?
Eric:Mhmm. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Eric:Yep. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what is it?
Eric:Like, you know, go for the no. Like, don't worry about if someone says no. The worst is when someone doesn't kinda get back to you, I feel like, when someone kinda is, like, ghosting you or whatever, and you're just like, is it a yes? Is it a no? I mean, usually, you're gonna take that as a sign that it's a no, but it's still kinda frustrating.
Eric:So just say no. Like, I don't care if you don't you know? But, like, getting that answered. But I think prospecting, following up a lot is kind of helps, achieve that and risk get that no that that solid no from somebody.
Khoa Hoang:Anur, yes. But I think the key there, Eric, what you're saying as well, also, right, is the follow-up. Yeah. And right to be nice done. Many the fortune's in the follow-up, right, as well.
Khoa Hoang:And then, truly, it's an element of prospecting. I was trained. Right? It's gonna take 5 to 7 contacts Yep. To turn a prospect into a client.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. Right? And each in each one of those contacts, you have an opportunity to kind of build your VCP or credibility Mhmm. Again with those people. And I think, at the end of the day, in business, it's very simple.
Khoa Hoang:Just do what you say you're gonna do. Yeah. Yeah. Right? So and again, no one's perfect, and I'm not claiming that either.
Khoa Hoang:I've made more mistakes than I care to admit. But right? If you say, somebody asked you a question, listen, I'll get back to you today. Mhmm. Even if you don't have the answer Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:Get back to him today. Mhmm. Mhmm. Right? Just do what you say you're gonna do.
Crystal:The blocking and tackling.
Khoa Hoang:That's it. Yeah. That's it. That's it.
Eric:Yeah. Yeah. Part of the, like, the accountability. We had a great conversation with with, Regina on, like, accountability
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Eric:On that. And that's, like, that's a, you know, that is such a key part of, I think, of prospecting. And, you know, it it I like how you've kind of phrased that as, like, it's such a, you know, simple way to do it. Like, just do what you say you're gonna do. And so, you know, we all get kinda get distracted sometimes on on stuff.
Eric:Sometimes you just laugh. And sometimes the worst is when I'm like, ah, I shouldn't have made that kind of promise or whatever. Like and now I'm kind of, like, dig myself into a kind of a hole, and then that sort of that.
Crystal:Now I feel obligated. Yeah.
Eric:Yeah. So I think there's, like, there's, like, a management the management thing, like, understanding your your own time management as well too. Like, how much yeah. Like, when's of when can you follow-up with them? When can you act and, like, and when can you tell them that sort of thing on on
Khoa Hoang:on on on that? So it's kind of Setting proper expectations?
Eric:Yeah. Setting that that right expectation. What do you how do you kind of, like, help yourself with that? Like, the kind of management on all that.
Khoa Hoang:So listen. I, again, when I first started, everything was just written down somewhere, and that's such a terrible system.
Crystal:Right? I mean You find out what doesn't work.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Right? So I I I would recommend everybody just invest in some sort of sales system, whatever that is. So I have, some, software that I use to help write track the contact and the note, give me a reminder for the follow-up that I need to do Mhmm. Right, as well.
Khoa Hoang:So for everyone, you should have something. I'm 48 now. My memory isn't what it used to be. And listen, we're all busy people. Right?
Khoa Hoang:Lots going on. And I've also read before read a book called 4 discipline 4 disciplines execution. Incredible read for me, but they say, like, we're there's a whirlwind. Right? And we all have them.
Khoa Hoang:All have busy lives. And if you have 12 things to do, you're only gonna do 1 or 2 of them. Right? Yeah. So, those will those will be the only ones you had completed.
Khoa Hoang:So they say, find the key element or what's absolutely most important and the concept of the frog again. Nail that a 100% of the time. So get your start with your hardest. Right? Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Figure out in your day what's absolutely most important and start just get that knocked out, and I don't know. Those things those things happen. So Yeah. Yeah.
Eric:Yeah. I I I actually I had built my own, like, sheet thing that I I haven't really I've kinda keep it, like, personal. Maybe I'll maybe I'll put a link to it or something in this on this on this episode, but it's like a tracking sheet that I kinda, put together based off of a lot of different things that I've kind of just learned from different sources. It's it is it is handwritten because the reason here's the reason why. I actually so I I I I'm torn because handwritten the the nice thing about writing something down first of all, I'm in I'm in the tech stuff.
Eric:I do enough tech stuff already. I need, like, a breath of fresh air from away from a lot a lot of the tech. There's something about when you kind of write it down, it becomes like, you know, like a real physical thing that you can't just erase, especially in pen too. You write it in pen. You just wrote down.
Eric:It's permanent now. Right? And so I feel like there's something that kind of happens with that. It, like, solidifies more on a on a core level. The the and a lot of the the softwares, again, this is where I'm kinda torn because I'm like, oh, I'm a slow handwriter.
Eric:I don't take a lot of handwritten notes. Why? Because by the time, you know, 10 seconds go by and I've read this thing, and now
Khoa Hoang:I don't even know know what we're what we're we're talking
Eric:about because I'm I'm a slow handwriting. So I know I've been taking notes. I'm always doing type notes, but it, again, it doesn't sit as well. And in terms of, like, the a diet on a digestion level, I guess, for for really understanding what's what I'm writing down.
Khoa Hoang:Yes. I think that's a little bit of a different concept, from what I'm talking about, and, and I'm gonna butcher these numbers a little bit. But conceptually, they say, for goal planning, right, for as an example, if you verbalize your goal Mhmm. And tell somebody you have something like a 10% more chance of achieving it. Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:If you tell somebody and write it down, you have, like, a 50% chance of actually, achieving it. So there's something there's something about actually writing Mhmm. Stuff down that commits it, to memory. And, Crystal, you probably have some sort of connection there as well with what you do in terms of, that kind of stuff. Right?
Khoa Hoang:So it's but for me, it's when you're prospecting, you gotta you gotta ask a 100 people to give you Yeah. 4 yeses. Right? Yeah.
Eric:You can't write everything down.
Khoa Hoang:You just can't write everything down. So to manage that funnel, right, to get to the to the process for me anyway, I I I could no longer write things down. That man flipping through those notes and trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. So as well that
Crystal:But there's also a little technology gap, also too. Like, Ian, when we did the director training, he had this little tablet where he was writing it on the tablet. And I I was like, actually, that actually could be something that was helpful for me because I when I write my books, I do write them, like, handwritten. I'm not a typer. Yeah.
Crystal:So that I end up having to, like, reprocess it because something for me about the writing process, like, there's a flow that comes out. I know it's a little old school qua. It is an extra step. But for some, it's more authentic for me.
Eric:Well, that's what hey, you know, Amber, she has something called a super note, which is like more it's kind of like writing on a tablet, but it it feels like you're writing with pen.
Crystal:Yeah. Yeah.
Eric:So it has the texture. Because the thing with like a like a like an iPad Mhmm. It kinda it's like writing on glass, which doesn't really have a good feel to it. It's not really Yeah. Built for that.
Eric:And, and and it's basically like an e ink Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:Thing. Like like, if you've had
Eric:a Kindle, it's basically that. But it's but it it it
Crystal:I think that might have been what he had. Yeah. Because Yeah. It definitely had, like, a a different texture to it.
Eric:And I think and I think it can it can then, like, it can, like, learn your handwriting.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. And so it can then translate if you
Eric:do cursive or whatever. It can actually translate it into like, it can digitize it now automatically for you. So it kinda helps help helps with that. But you're still handwriting stuff, though. So there's still there's still it doesn't really get away from that aspect of it.
Crystal:But then they're like, you have to think it and then you have to, like, really have to in the order to manifest it, you really have to, like, own that energy and kind of step into it. When you're in those sales calls and those sales energies, it's like, okay, I own it the first call. And what happens, the rejection hits in and then you own it a little less. So then it's like the 7th phone call or the 7th person. I did door to door Kirby sales
Khoa Hoang:Oh, yeah.
Crystal:For a short period when I first moved out here to California. So I know It's grueling.
Khoa Hoang:So so here I'm I'm glad you brought that up, Crystal. So I think, another recommendation for the prospecting is finding, an accountability partner as well. Mhmm. Because, listen, it is tough. It's tough.
Khoa Hoang:And it wears on you a little bit. Right? So it's really nice to be able to pick up the phone and get good energy from somebody. Yep. If it's your spouse, hopefully, it's somebody else that's prospecting as well.
Khoa Hoang:Kinda just compare notes and just have somebody that that that can lift you up Mhmm. A little bit as well. Because it is a mental I mean, it's No.
Crystal:It takes fortitude.
Khoa Hoang:It's not easy. Right?
Eric:That's a good point. Like, because if, you know, when whatever it is, the door to door calling, if whatever it is, you're gonna have at some point, you're gonna have, like, a, I think, a, like, a run of a bunch of people not wanting to to buy something from you. And then you're just like, well, what I do doesn't work or whatever, or, like, no one likes me or that sort of thing. But if you have that accountability, that that partner with you, they can kind of, like, help lift you up and and and kinda pull you out of that rut and be like, no. It's it's it's it's not.
Eric:It's just this, you know, a weird time period or whatever it is, like or if maybe they're going through the same thing too. Now at least you can kind of then, you know, resonate a little bit because they're like, yeah.
Khoa Hoang:You know, same thing happened to me.
Eric:Like, it's you know, then at least, okay. Well, it's not just me now, you know, at least so there is there's that
Khoa Hoang:And
Crystal:then with BNI, we get to meet once a week, so it doesn't build up as much as it would if we didn't meet. Because, like, almost every week, I learn something or I need something from someone in the chapter. If I hadn't if I didn't have any of those resources or I hadn't been, like, staying actively engaged on a weekly basis, I would feel like I was so far behind.
Khoa Hoang:Well, then yeah.
Eric:You know, because me me and I does kinda that's what the one thing I've really noticed because, you know, I I don't have anybody kind of I mean, above me to kinda really kinda push me on on things, and BNI really, I think, helps with that. Yeah. That was one thing that really helped helped me is all the all the all the, like, the requirements, I guess. We have the one to ones, the CUs and stuff too, which which I mean, when I first started, like, I was not doing well. Like, when I first kinda joined in in BNI, I was in the gray.
Eric:I was, like, you know, 8 months in, I was, like, gray and all that too. Because I I don't know. I'm just just still learning the ropes and such. And, but, you know, I I I took it really seriously. I was like, no.
Eric:I wanna I wanna get this going. But, like, if I didn't kinda have that, you know, you don't know what you don't know, and we're all kinda working in one way or we're all getting better in one way or another. But that kind of helps, help help helps you grow and helps you grow in areas that you should grow, like just connecting with people.
Crystal:Because once you prospect, then what do you do? You know? You've got the client, then you know they're gonna make them happy and keep them. Like, there's a longevity component too. Yeah.
Crystal:What else do you have, Kawhi? Looks like you're about to say something magical.
Khoa Hoang:No. No. So, oh, no. You know what? I do wanna share this as well.
Khoa Hoang:So I think, I did some training with, doctor Jason Selk, and he was a sports psychologist for long resume. In any rate, there's a psychological, I guess, concept, and, it's called the expectancy theory. And what it states is that, that which you focus on expands. Mhmm. Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:So pretty simple. Right? Yep. So again, if you are thinking and then he said, we have innately problem centric thinking. Just as humans, right?
Khoa Hoang:So we're always thinking about roadblocks and issues and problems naturally. Yeah. Right? So if we're always thinking about that stuff, they grow. Right?
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. So you have to be able to think, and he calls it relentless solutions focused. Mhmm. Right? So instead of just thinking about, the rejection from prospecting, all the time and, man, this is terrible.
Khoa Hoang:Right? No.
Crystal:Find the positive. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Positive. Right? And when you find the solutions, the solutions expand. Mhmm. We're grateful to be able to, man, walk the streets.
Khoa Hoang:Right? Your Mhmm. The things you're grateful for expand. But he he said just focus on the solutions, not the problems. Your solutions, will expand as well.
Khoa Hoang:And I think there's a ton of truth to it.
Eric:Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I I think that that is too because, like, we we when, I know with with with Ian, we're kind of, you know, talking about people kinda being I mean, like, stuck in their job, and and then maybe they like, they're not they're not happy. We talked about about entrepreneurship and how about 40% of of people in America, like, have an idea for starting the business that they want to do, that they they want to want to do that. And it's and so but I imagine there's a lot of people like, oh, I can't do this because of all these blocks.
Eric:And then they're just constantly focusing on that, so then they never do it. And, you know, that kinda goes along with, like, positive, like, like, the, I Positive reinforcement? Well well, pause just positive thinking in in general. One thing I do almost every morning is I write down 3 things that I'm grateful for. And it could literally be it could literally be anything.
Eric:It could be for grateful for your house. It could be you're grateful for the breakfast sandwich that you're eating or whatever it might be.
Khoa Hoang:You better say Amber.
Eric:And Amber is always on that list. Amber is always on that list. And, yep. And I it it what it does really kind of just trains your mind for positive thing because you're right. It's it it it's so easy to just be negative towards towards things, and this is something I struggle with a lot.
Eric:Like, just kind of, like, focusing on negative and then kind of retraining your brain to to not focus on that negative. Like, if you, you know, in a good I think a funny example of this is, if you stub your toe, you don't think that the rest of your body feels great. You focus on the negative because that's that's that's the pain point. We we have we're we're attuned to focusing and listening to pain points. And and I think there's a there's a a certain level of, like, you know, primal survival with that.
Crystal:But The brain is actually not meant for wasn't created for memory. The brain is actually created for survival. So back to, like you said, the problem centric part. Yeah. Our if we're in an, making an attempt to survive, the problems that come into our life, we're going to want to solve them because that is a challenge or an obstacle.
Crystal:Once we pass it, then we back into the, hunting and gathering phases. So it it is interesting when you understand your brain, you know, no noticing the blocks, what's holding you back, and then also, like, understanding that that fortitude is something that if we do get thrown off, like you said, call someone that can pick you back up because, naturally, we wanna stay at a higher vibration, and gratitude is actually one of the highest vibrations.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:So thinking about gratitude and love, can always benefit us, especially in the morning when 80% of our not thoughts are negative.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. So
Crystal:if we start breaking out of that with a positive, a little morning routine, affirmations, those those can all help us throughout the day. How do
Khoa Hoang:you how do you start your mornings, Crystal?
Crystal:I started with a cup full of love.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:Actually, there's some science, from doctor Emoto on the power of how water can hold memory, thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:They took petri dishes and wrote words like love and hate and put them in the freezer, and these petri dishes just had water in them. And what was interesting is how the water froze So the one that had the word love on it had made this beautifully symmetrical shape The one that had the word hate on it was all mangled, and it was not symmetrical at all.
Khoa Hoang:Wow.
Crystal:So it's interesting on a deep level. So I use all these little psychological hacks in my real life, and I do things like, Eric, where I take my first five minutes, where I will visualize my very best day. Mhmm. What it will look like, what I what it will look like, what I accomplished, the things I want to accomplish. Mhmm.
Crystal:And then also just taking a moment, maybe, an energy like gratitude or love or hope or faith. Something I want to encapsulate that day and just really filling it in every cell in my body. And then I jump up and hit the ground and, conquer my day from there.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So powerful, I think, as well. It's such a neat neat way to do it. And here, I mean, again, right, I think you're eating the frog early as well. I mean, visualizing and having it right right and then again after it.
Khoa Hoang:That's a
Crystal:Exactly. I wanted to read the the quote that, Regina had from Mark Twain about the frog. So, if it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat 2 frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. That's right.
Crystal:From Mark Twain.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Exactly.
Crystal:Yeah. Con conquer your biggest challenge earlier in the day. You'll be more successful. And also small challenges help your brain to, add up to making it more easy. And there was a really cool psychological hack I heard the other day, and I was like, that's so great.
Crystal:People should know about this. It was like telling yourself to do small teeny tiny things that were super easy. Yeah. So I'm going to fold a shirt. Not I'm gonna go fold my whole thing of laundry.
Crystal:I'm gonna fold a single shirt. And then when I do that one single shirt, it's like, oh, I accomplished it. Maybe I'll do one more. And then before you know it, you did the whole load.
Eric:Like potato chips.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah.
Crystal:Similar. Similar. But it does make sense if you set yourself up for small and even in the small, the brain of small developing children, they found if you set them up with small tasks that they could achieve, they had more confidence in themselves. Mhmm. So just like ourselves, we could have more confidence in ourselves if we if we achieve small 3 small tasks before 9 o'clock, we're gonna have that courage and that potential and that momentum to keep, moving on throughout the day.
Eric:So what about the frogs thing then? Is it is it 3 small frogs and then the big one?
Crystal:It depends on how many frogs are sitting on your plate, I guess.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So I I hear for for me, I always knocked out my prospecting first when I was in the massive gross gross stage. Right? I mean, again, it was the ugliest thing I had to do in the day, But I'm not kidding. You get that knocked out, rest of the day is Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. We're Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:We're in good shape. I I do wanna shift gears just to touch on that as well. So let's say, again, you've already retained or turned your prospect into a client. Right? I think the other kinda key component is keeping them as a client.
Khoa Hoang:Yes. Because it's, if you're not courting your own clients, somebody else wants them. Mhmm. Right? Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:So I think what Joe Ocampo, who does, the promotional products in our chapter, is so good at. And, I mean, really, truly what he does is very powerful as well, because you gotta take care of your you gotta take care of your clients Mhmm. As well. So, I think, easy to forget, you know, after you have retained a client. But
Crystal:Just like a relationship. You have to cultivate it. You have to put the energy and effort into it. You're if you don't, you'll get the energy you didn't put into it back at you.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. That's right. Right. And then here now, went from, again, for me, 0 clients to, managing at, roughly 80,000,000, in assets. I don't I don't lock on doors anymore.
Khoa Hoang:And and truly, right, I'm very specific in terms of, who I wanna work with Mhmm. Today. Right? And then you just take care of your book of business and things grow organically. And then I'd also say this, and you guys have heard me say this before as well.
Khoa Hoang:And also, the the Pareto principle. So Wilfredo Pareto was an Italian, kinda philosopher. And again, I may be butchering some some of these details. But he's in his garden one day, and he noticed that 80% of his harvest came from just 20% of his plants. Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:So, again, he was a dignitary in the town as well, and he found that 80% of the real estate in the town were owned by 20% of the
Crystal:people. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Right? And then so it's that 80 20 Yeah. Rule. Mhmm. And in my book of business, 80% of my revenue is derived by that top 20% of my clients.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. In b and I, I'm guessing 80% of your referrals come from the small handful of people in the chapter as well. Right? Mhmm. So the takeaway from, I guess, the business building aspect, you better be if you're not gonna take care of your entire book of business, just be hyper laser focused on taking care of that top 20%.
Khoa Hoang:Those are the people that really matter to you. B and I, as well. Right? If you have a handful of people, just a handful, in your chapter that are referring business, do something for them. Right?
Khoa Hoang:Bank them. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Take care of them.
Eric:Oh, yeah. You know, Hannah like, Amber is really good about, handwritten cards.
Eric:And, like, and, like, just a handwritten card and, and gold, actually. She she is so Marie. I just received one the other day from from from from Anne when she was, on the on the the the podcast. And so and, like, those things go so far Yeah. Because, you know, I guess the way I kinda the way I kinda think about it is, like, okay.
Eric:If if you write a handwritten card, how many times is that person actually receiving a handwritten card? And
Crystal:And you're also opening it up when everything else is negative. You have at least one glimmering shiny positive thing.
Eric:Maybe that person's having a really bad day, and then, like, your hand ring card is, like, the one, like, silver lining positive that they had for that day. You never know what someone's kind of going through. Now you really stand out with that person. And, that's something like Amber's been been so good, so good at them. Ex exceptionally grateful that, like, that she's, you know, takes that time to to to do.
Eric:And I'll I'll do it with her too, but she's the one that kinda really forefronts doing that because I don't know. I don't I don't think about it as much as I really should, I think.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So, here, I'd encourage you. If you can't or don't have the capacity to get a handwritten note to everybody. Right? Again, you want to to I think to accelerate growing a business, you think about the clients that you have.
Khoa Hoang:Or right. Take a moment to think about your your best your best clients. Right? Mhmm. Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:Those are the people you're going to duplicate. Mhmm. Think about your worst client. Right? Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:I'm okay. I lose that client. Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Right? So just take care of that top end and right? You you wanna duplicate, those people, right, as well. So if you can't get a handwritten note to everybody, man, just get one to your top 20%. Sure.
Eric:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Crystal:That's such a great advice. Actually, they actually talked about something similar in a b and I training that I just did, how we would probably really love to connect with everyone in the room, but maybe not everyone in the room is our person.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:So like you said, focusing on the ones that you know is a good fit first, and then it can you can always trickle into the other ones as well.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. And I think, open mind in here. I think also we've fallen to a trap. Right? We're so specific in terms of who we think can be the ideal referral partner for whatever industry we're in.
Khoa Hoang:Right? I truly believe and here, obviously, there's a connection there, but I truly believe it's more about, the the the person more so or a skill set more so than in industry, as well. Right? And then here, I think you're naturally just gonna gravitate and wanna take care of people that you like Mhmm. And trust.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Right? So make them your tribe. Yeah. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Right as well. So
Eric:Yeah. Yeah. I think, yeah, it it it it also you know, it's gonna it it it it's also gonna just associate you with people that you like as well too. It's just gonna lift your spirits more because you're already around people they like. I what is it that, like, you know, the, the often people fall into a trap a lot where your your worst clients, tend to absorb most of your time as well.
Eric:Mhmm. Right? Where because maybe they're at I don't know. Maybe they're extra needy or something like that or or, you know, they, they, they, they want, you know, $5,000 worth of work for $500 or something like that. And then they're, they're tricky with things and stuff too.
Eric:And so now you're sending all this time on them and, and it's a lot of it. I think, so how do you, how do you have any advice on kind of helping prevent yourself from kind of falling into that track? Because I feel like it can be really easy even being aware of it. I know I've fallen into that before where I'm just like, okay. Wait.
Eric:This person's being, you know, too much or whatever. And then, like, initially, I didn't think so. Then I it wasn't till, like, I realized, like, man, I spent a lot of time with this person that and I don't didn't even realize it because I get, you know, folk you get focused in what you do and and and and you don't like seeing sometimes.
Crystal:It's especially hard for women because boundaries are something that is probably the biggest thing I work with female clients on.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:Because we tend to people please because we want everyone to like us.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:So there is, like, that component as well into it that but boundaries are really important the more that we set them in our business. And sometimes they can creep up on you. Like, you're saying, it might they might be okay, and then it like, all of a sudden, it kind of escalates where one person's draining all of our energy.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:So we have essentially, we have the prospecting aspect, and then we have the retention aspect, and then we have follow-up. Where what else would you have us, that's really important,
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So I think, talking about just the boundaries very quickly for a moment as well. I think it's also critically important to kinda identify your best profile and also your worst profile. Right? And it's okay to say no to you know?
Khoa Hoang:And it's okay to shed, I think, a fire a client to go for it. I mean, again, when it's not,
Crystal:There's gonna naturally be some attrition. Right?
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Listen, one shot in life. And I think we don't have the time to waste, not enjoying what you do
Khoa Hoang:Either. Right? So being able to work with the people that you, enjoy spending time with and talking to. Right? And then I did it recently as well.
Khoa Hoang:Right? And when somebody calls, and I say, oh, man, I don't wanna I don't wanna take that take that call, Gift them to somebody.
Crystal:John Gibbon.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Right there. Someone. Yes. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Right there.
Eric:John's gonna listen to this episode and go, is that why I get so many people quite that that from from Qua that it just doesn't work out?
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So, I
Crystal:think part of the growth process. Right? That same person you probably would have, like, scrambled 4 years before.
Khoa Hoang:Sure.
Crystal:But now you're at a place in your life where you can make those choices for yourself on what's a better fit.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That that that's exactly right. Right?
Khoa Hoang:And and then I I think the last component, right, you you don't have to have, necessarily a business world and a personal kinda, friend rule. For me, it's okay if they combine. Right? I I remarkable b and I, when I first joined 13 years ago, if you would have told me, right, and I'm going there just to get business. Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:Right? And I get it. Givers gain. Right? But yeah.
Eric:Yeah. But no one no one initially comes to b and I the first time to to to givers gain, to to act on that. Right? No one's coming for that. It's like For
Khoa Hoang:me, I wasn't right. So, and if you would've told me, where I stand today that some of the people in this group would be, really truly meaningful figures in my life, I would've told you, you know, you're you're you're nuts. Right? But, it's been a some of the some of the people I can't imagine doing life without right as well. So, to me, yeah.
Khoa Hoang:So part of that prospecting now is really having deeper relationships, with many of my clients. And, again, naturally, I think they're more willing to share my share me with their friends and family. Right? Yeah. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Well, the
Eric:you know, they people want to hire and work with people that they like. Mhmm. And so, you know, building that building that that relationship, with prospects, you know, is gonna encourage them to hire hire you because they just like you more. And so I I there's definitely real value in kind of just making friends with all of your your your prospects and and and clients in that. So I'm I'm total I'm right there with you on that.
Eric:Like, that's that's my that's the way I kinda I'm, the way I see as well.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. And I'll be honest with you. Right? So you 2 are also friends, and we've we've done stuff. Right?
Khoa Hoang:But I don't and it was maybe a little bit awkward at first for me reaching out to either one of you and saying let's go do let's go let's go hang out. Let's go do something. Mhmm. Right? Or drink too many glasses of wine.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. Right? I mean, again, there's just a little bit of awkwardness because there's a professional component. Right? And then you're letting somebody into your home or your world and Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:Right, Sharon?
Crystal:But look, this painting wouldn't be on the wall. I hadn't opened up at your house and invited me to your world, and, it got to expand out into our, rich hawks Yeah. World. So be when you do create those connections and you do build those relationships, it's so beautiful to see what can come out of it. Things that you might want not have expected a connection, to take us.
Crystal:And I it's really beautiful when you do connect on those levels because, I mean, it it is about relationships. In the end, I think that is what brings people to b and I. A lot of times as entrepreneurs, we don't have enough relationships to count on because we're doing everything ourself. And so I think there's a lot of value to knowing that there are other people in the group that are actually doing things that you aren't doing because they can complement you.
Eric:Yeah. Yep. Mhmm. Yeah. They so what about, with with when and maybe this kinda go goes back to kind of just being a go getter and just and just kind of doing it prospecting in, like, the right crowd, like, the right areas, or the right, like
Crystal:So like you said, you pick your target market. And then what do you Yeah.
Eric:Maybe that's like that 20% kinda you're talking about. Like, you you know, finding the right kind of crowd or group where you you where you maybe your your you know your audience or or or potential, prospects might be. Do you do you do anything like that, or do you kinda just kinda go everywhere? What do you how do you do you focus anything like that? Or how how does what do you do for that?
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So you guys are familiar with my ask. And maybe this isn't the best. So here, if if it didn't matter, if income didn't matter, maybe I would focus on, different areas, which is so beautiful about what you do, I think, Crystal, in just helping people in terms of, bettering their their their lives. Right?
Khoa Hoang:So when I do some training, I always help newer advisors build a business plan. And I always ask them to do write out first, write who is gonna be your target market. Right? Mhmm. And oftentimes, they're like, oh, you know, young families, because oftentimes they're a little bit younger.
Khoa Hoang:Young families having kids, well, listen, man. You wanna focus on a 24, 25 year old who's got a new kid, they're not gonna have any money for you, Right? As well. So to your point, Eric, I mean, again, you do have to you do have to focus on
Crystal:You gotta fish in the right pond.
Khoa Hoang:That's it.
Eric:Right? Right? Like maybe they're the right audience, but like if they don't have have have the money to kinda hire your services, then they kinda become not the right audience. Right?
Khoa Hoang:That's it. Yeah. That's it. Right? So, again, going back to the Pareto rule, that top 20%.
Khoa Hoang:Right? And then you gotta figure out and I give back in many different ways too. Right? As well. But that is kind of the, I don't know.
Khoa Hoang:You do have to identify what's gonna put some food on the table for your kids. Afford fishing trips for me and shoe habit for Missouri. Right as well as yeah. There's there's an element.
Crystal:But all of that doesn't matter if you don't have the relationships.
Khoa Hoang:Yes.
Crystal:I mean, it's so beautiful that you yes. We can make money. Yes. We can be productive. But, it's not the money and it's not the accolades that will be our legacy when when we walk away.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:It's the way that we made people feel, and it's what the memories that we created with them. So I was blessed to go to Yoga, Missouri and and it's like like you said, it's like taking that little step. And especially as adults because we're not as used to making new friends. You do have to kinda get out of your comfort zone to push yourself a little bit, but that's the same as kind of prospecting. I guess there's almost a little bit of a correlation between, like, the relationships and the prospecting.
Eric:Yeah. That that that's true. And, like, I, that's a you do have to you do have to kind of step out of that that that zone for sure, like, that that comfort zone. Because I know, like like like I mentioned, the the cold calling with beers. There's a reason that I kind of had that.
Eric:It's because I was petrified to the phone for I don't know why I could talk with someone in person. I could, even talk with someone over, like well, at the time, I guess, the spec of the day, we didn't really do much, like, the video chat stuff at that at that time. But but in person, that was good. It was it was it was phone call even, like, calling the doctor or something like that, or, like, you know, even even calling my friends sometimes, like, someone I actually knew. I was like, and so, like, I I had some mental some kind of mental roadblock, which definitely doing the cold calls definitely, like, forced me through to kinda push the
Crystal:the Repetition, repattern your subconscious.
Eric:Yeah. And and, and I think so, like, it it a lot of it is building that kind of relationship. So what about how how do you what are some methodologies that that you kind of do for that? I know you mentioned, like like, just kind of hanging out at at at at place for maybe someone who's maybe struggling kind of in this area. Do you have any things that that you do on a regular basis, for people to help cultivate that's, like, like, a conscious effort to help cultivate that relationship with people?
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. So maybe I'm gonna answer this a little bit differently than I think what you're directing me, but I'm gonna plug BNI a little bit here as well. Right? So, I don't if you're unfamiliar with BNI, we're supposed to be submitting what's called thank you for closed business, right as well. And I don't do it, kind of the nature of my business on a monthly basis.
Khoa Hoang:At the end of the year, I run through my entire book. I find, who came from BNI. And then I do one once a year, my thank you for closed business. Right? So last year, in December, when I did it, 27% of my revenue came from BNI.
Khoa Hoang:I don't spend 27% of my time prospecting in BNI. So, if you are struggling with BNI, I wouldn't be in my 13th, 14th year with BNI if it didn't work and if I didn't believe in the model. We talked already about some additional ancillary benefits, as well. So, some of the other things I think, BNI is helpful with and this is kind of a roundabout, a way of answering your question. Right?
Khoa Hoang:What's everyone what's most people's number one fear, Crystal?
Crystal:A lot of them is success.
Khoa Hoang:K. Yeah. Yeah. Right? So success, I don't know.
Khoa Hoang:Some people I think have fear outs, but most people have a fear of public speaking. That's true. Yeah. Right? BNI, you gotta get up once a week.
Khoa Hoang:And I remember my first one. And I'm a pretty gregarious, fairly confident fella too. But, man, I mean, first time BNI standing up in front of 40, 50 people. Yeah. Right?
Khoa Hoang:It's it's intimidating. Yep. But here today, right, very comfortable doing it now, right as well. So I mean, again, even those little things. Right?
Khoa Hoang:Ansel, BNI is gonna help you become, I think, a better business person. I think it's helped me become a better dad, a better partner, much better business acumen. Right? And then my skill set, I believe, is better because of the practices we have to go through that BNI forces us to go through. Again, simple stuff.
Khoa Hoang:Again, just getting up in front of a crowd, forcing you to meet with people on a weekly basis. Right? Getting out there. So
Crystal:And then your relationships are enriched. It sounds like you wouldn't be the same without some of those people. I know a few of them. They you got one on each hip at least.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Right?
Crystal:But why not why why not do life with people we love instead of doing it by ourselves?
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah.
Eric:Yeah. I know I know I'm not an early bird too. So, like, it's not.
Crystal:It's a big commitment.
Eric:Yeah. It it is. And and and, you know, sometimes, BNI can definitely it can certainly have its moments where it feels like, man, this is like a part time job, you know, do doing this. And, like, even just being just a member without volunteering can sometimes feel feel that way because you're doing, you know, meeting doing the one to ones, the c u's, and all of a sudden you have all and and and, you know, it can even feel that way even on on that level, especially if you're not used to doing those
Crystal:Yeah. Especially at the beginning, logging everything. It's like, why am I logging all this? This is a lot. But then you do realize the benefit of it later on when you're like, oh, I can see exactly how many people I've shared, referred, and the dollar amount.
Crystal:Like, I can see I'm starting to I'm starting to become a processes gal. You're starting to convert me, Eric.
Eric:Well, it's you know, I think it also kind of uplifts you too when you actually can look back Mhmm. On, like, the app and it says, like, oh, you know, the last 6 months you made x amount of dollars or whatever. And then and then you don't even, like, kinda realize, like, that's how much I made? I was like, and then you kinda go back and you kinda look and see. I was like, oh, yeah.
Eric:I guess so. Like, it's could you just I don't know. You don't necessarily track all
Crystal:the time. Why our thank you of
Khoa Hoang:closed business isn't higher. It should be December. Yeah. Next month. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. You're good. Oh, yeah.
Eric:It's always it's always much it's always much higher when you go on just like, December
Crystal:There it was there. Were wondering. We're counting on you, Quan. I love it.
Khoa Hoang:So here, would either you guys kinda share I don't know any nuggets because you guys are growing businesses too. Right? Any nuggets for prospecting from from from your side?
Eric:Mhmm. Well, so for me, I I actually I think find for me, it took a little bit to kinda find where, where I wanted to, find people, like, for for my business. Mhmm. And so a lot of it for me, I'm actually starting to kinda tap more into the podcasters, like like my other podcasters that with them because they're often having other podcasters, on. But I, like, started with doing like, even going into Facebook groups, which actually did prove to be very effective.
Eric:It was a lot of work, though.
Khoa Hoang:There was
Eric:so much work in in Facebook groups.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Eric:Because, like, Facebook groups can be it can be so challenging because they're, like, all these rules about, like, advertisement, and it's like, it's it's it's like you're trying this fine. I literally play with GPT, but like, hey. I need I wanna say this, but make it sneaky, to in a in a post so so it doesn't get flagged for I literally use GPT a few times to kinda help with this, and it did it did an okay job. It did a decent job to kinda, like, like, write something or, like, reply to somebody. And I actually found that to be, quite effective.
Eric:It was just a lot of work. And so, but I find, like like, what you've said, I think, some of my my, best clients have come from, like, referrals, basically, from within, like, other other podcasters. So it's like as in my case, as I kinda kind of grow, it kinda I started kinda growing a little bit more exponentially for that reason. And I for me, I found that to be more effective.
Khoa Hoang:Nice. Good. Chris, what about you? Any any nuggets from the prospecting side from you?
Crystal:So I'm gonna use a little analogy first. Mhmm. So I'd like to challenge you to consider life like a bag of popcorn.
Khoa Hoang:K.
Crystal:So all the different kernels will oftentimes pop at different times.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:there's the ones that are ready to pop right away that burst at the first side of heat. There's the ones that take a little more heat, and then they finally pop. Mhmm. And then there's the ones that lay dormant at the bottom to never quite achieve their full potential.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:I think that it's okay for all of those states. Sometimes we judge ourselves on what level we're at.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah.
Crystal:But all of those processes will probably have to come into play at some time. You're probably gonna have to learn how to public speak. You're probably gonna have to learn how to prospect.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:You're probably going to have to do all these things that you might not even realize are part of the process. But, being gentle with ourself and knowing that the growth is part of the journey.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:You said it at the beginning. You have to take a single step
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:To get to our destination. Mhmm. Oftentimes, it gets so overwhelming because it's like, oh, man. I'm supposed to wear, like, 50,000 hats. Which hat do I put on first?
Crystal:Which hat do I take off last? How how many hats can I stack before it crumbles? And I think just taking it back to the relationships is really key because in the end, those relationships are make it and break it. In the end, if you have a great relationship with someone, they're gonna trust you to send you a referral. If you had those 4 or 5 opportunities like you said and the 3rd opportunity, you drop the ball.
Crystal:Mhmm. That 4th opportunity, you might not get that 4th opportunity.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:So it's our responsibility to really walk in our authenticity and with integrity. So I think part of it is I love the VCP equation because you really do have to be visible, but you also have to be credible. And then once you reach those two steps, then you can get into the profitability part of it.
Khoa Hoang:Yep. Mhmm. Yeah. Listen, I've always hated those kernels that didn't pop anyway. Screw them.
Crystal:They have so much
Eric:potential though.
Crystal:I know.
Khoa Hoang:We don't need them.
Eric:A mystery of why kernels aren't popping. Yeah. But let's get this.
Crystal:A little more heat and, you know, some people can take a little bit more and some people are more fragile too. I mean Yeah. Yeah. Not everybody is meant for entrepreneurship.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm.
Crystal:But once you figure out your lane, I mean, just just cruise. I mean, just find it Oh,
Khoa Hoang:yeah. That work for you.
Eric:You know, it's funny because, like, I I've gotten into this because I I don't know. I've just I've just I've always just had, like, a kind of a entrepreneurial drive, but there's been so many times where I've seriously kind of just been like,
Khoa Hoang:man, they just they just do that. And they they make this money. They they
Eric:got this so easy. I'm like, why can't I do that? And I probably could, but it's, but I'm like, it's not it doesn't sit right with me though. You know? So I it it it it it I I think we each kinda have our own, like, calling a bit and, you know, the on on in their biz in whatever your business that you're doing.
Eric:But for me, like, what kind of was really kind of driving me through, I think, to to to do more prospect prospecting and do the prospecting in particular, like, phone like, the phone call stuff that I didn't wanna do, was kind of like like that that that that drive. Like, well, what's the alternative? The alternative is not doing this and and working somewhere I don't wanna work at.
Eric:I'm like, well, I don't have any choice now. You know? So I kinda for me, it was kind of, like, forced I almost felt like I was kinda forced into doing that sort of thing. I think that's a lot of people would probably relate to that, too.
Khoa Hoang:Listen, it's so easy to give up on the prospecting side. To not have a plan B, I think, is a good idea. Don't have something to fall back on. You can't fail. You can't fail.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. You can't fail. True. Right? Just make it happen.
Khoa Hoang:It's gonna it's gonna force you. Alright? I mean, again, for me, I had a wife at home, didn't work, 3 small kids. Mhmm. Right?
Khoa Hoang:I only made 49,000 my 1st year, with Edward Jones. You try raising a household of 5 in Southern California on 50 grand, it's it was not pretty. It was not pretty. Right? But no plan b.
Khoa Hoang:Just make it happen. And I think there's parallels to starting at at b and I as well. Right? Oftentimes, you hear newer folks, wow, man. I'm just not getting the referrals that I want.
Khoa Hoang:Right? Or the number I get it. But it'll grow. Right? You gotta you gotta put that time, effort into that thing.
Khoa Hoang:Right? And treat treat all of everybody in the room like a prospect. Right? They are.
Crystal:Have you guys ever had that part in your business where you hit a point and you're like, why am I doing this? What am why am I should I still keep going forward? And it's like almost like like like that test right before the testimonial where it's like, do I really wanna keep doing this? And then you kinda grab your bootstraps and pull them up when you're like, okay. I'm in it.
Crystal:And then right after that, then, like, there's some beautiful breakthrough comes through. Have you ever experienced that?
Eric:Oh, yeah. Yeah. I think, it it it, the I feel like I hit that too frequently, honestly, because I have it it it it seems like, you know, there's once a month something happens where I'm like, do I wanna keep doing this? Or do I do it? It seems it seems but then it was like but then I I kind of reel myself back like, no.
Eric:I the alternative, like you said, no plan no no plan b. I I love that because it it having that plan, it kinda gives you that that, that that safe zone, I guess, that is gonna be kinda detrimental for what you really want to do or or what kind of, purpose that you really have, for your life. And, but, yeah.
Crystal:Sometimes that uncomfortable pressure is the growth that you need.
Crystal:And sometimes people do really well in those moments where they're it's like a pinch time. It's like crunch time. It's like go. And and the human spirit has something this dry within us when we really gather our wherewithal. We we really can't accomplish anything we put our mind to when we stop making excuses and start making solutions.
Eric:Well, just doing that one thing, like you mentioned, doing that, like like, folding one shirt or whatever it is, doing that first that first step. I forget what what what it is, but if you if you kind of if if you just do that one thing first, it kinda gets a it's like a snowball. You kinda or like a like a kinda boulder going down a hill. Like, you just a little bit of a push. You start you start gaining that momentum on that whatever that that first thing is.
Khoa Hoang:I think maybe another good thing to to do, right, when you're having those moments, and I think everybody probably does, where you're doubting, what you're doing, I I think pick up the phone and call that person that you made a big difference for in your land work. Right? Because they're gonna give you, the strength to remind you why you do what you do too. Right? Because here, Crystal, I I imagine you've made a tremendous difference in people's lives.
Khoa Hoang:Mhmm. Like
Khoa Hoang:Right? And that's all you need to know your when you affect people right on on that level, right, or I don't know, man, Eric, you ever dialed somebody? Call. Mhmm. Call your best client and just, right, and I mean, they're grateful for what you do.
Khoa Hoang:Right? As well. So having those reminders, I think, is, helps push you.
Crystal:That's a great, tip for our audience to call the person that you know that you've inspired to kind of piggyback off that inspiration that you gave them.
Eric:Yeah. I don't think I've ever I don't know if I've I've I've I've called a client. I've talked to, like, friends or whatever for in in in in this way that encouraged me when when when you're down.
Crystal:Yeah. That's a great idea.
Eric:But actually from a client's perspective, like, that's kinda more powerful because, you actually are helping that person. Mhmm. And it's gonna be more harmful because they because they're like, they they actually, it's not just like a friend. Like, no. You're doing great work or whatever.
Eric:You know, that sort of thing. But, like, from a client, like, you actually also, like, no. You, like, changed my world or whatever. Right? It might be.
Khoa Hoang:So that's a dude. I'll I'll I'll to I should I need I should start implementing that.
Crystal:Yeah. It's a great takeaway. Thanks, Klaa.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Eric:Yeah. That's great.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. I'd you know, I do it, occasionally. And, you know, it is nice. It's nice to it gives you, right, that that reassurance as well. That's nice.
Crystal:And we could be focusing on either one. We could be focusing on all the problems, or we could be focusing on all the solutions.
Khoa Hoang:That's it. Mhmm.
Crystal:It's really we really have to train the brain to focus on the right things. And I think that's a beautiful takeaway that someone in the audience could absolutely use. And, like, Eric, I've called family members and friends, but I don't know if I've ever called, like, a client for kind of to re inspire myself.
Eric:I think I think, you know, one of the reasons it almost seems sort of seems like, oh, I can't call client because they're gonna see me in a in a crumbling situation or whatever it whatever it might be. But I guess it's that's kinda one of the reasons you wanna build that relationship a lot because now you can kind of, like, you know, open up a little bit more maybe because it's always gonna be when if you're calling that situation, you're kind of in a crumpling crumble like, not crumbling, but, like, maybe you're in a in a in a,
Crystal:Need to remotivate it.
Eric:Yeah. Remotivated.
Khoa Hoang:So the question right there, Crystal, was like, oh, man. Having a tough day. I don't know if I wanna do this. Right? You're doing it because of the well, for me, part of the reason I do it is because you're affecting people on a very deep level Mhmm.
Khoa Hoang:Helping. Right? So it's nice to reconnect. And I have a handful of clients every time I call. Thank you so much.
Khoa Hoang:I mean, every time. Right? Yeah. It's like, oh, man.
Crystal:You don't have to let them know you're crumbly. You can just call.
Eric:Yeah. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:Like, hey.
Crystal:That's right. See how you're doing.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Right? Yeah.
Eric:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Eric:Yeah. Yeah. That's good.
Crystal:Love it.
Eric:Great. Cool. Well, thanks so much, Kwa. So, if if somebody wanted to get in contact with you, how would they how would they best do that?
Khoa Hoang:So b and I wise, we'll be all the contact information is updated there. My office line is 760, 688-0200. And then all my clients have my cell phone number as well. I always ask you to be a little bit more respectful on that side. But that's 760-500-1076, as well.
Khoa Hoang:Email us. Love to love to chat. Again, we do have some minimums. We'd love to love to chat with, with you if you have any complex, or any serious financial issues.
Crystal:And you're really great just to talk to. I mean, they might not be a great fit, but I know you've given a lot of advice to people no matter what stage, even the ones that aren't gonna pop.
Khoa Hoang:That's right. And here, just again, to both of you, thank you so much for, putting that so much time and effort into, doing this thing as well. Such a a neat kind of refreshing concept idea, as well. And anyone listening, encourage you to hop on the podcast. It's super fun.
Khoa Hoang:Just kinda chatting a little bit, business here as well and get some exposure. And, I don't I don't know that I've ever sat in front of so many lights either. So I got yeah. I can't go through this. Yeah.
Khoa Hoang:I could yeah. Give give give these guys a shot.
Eric:Yeah. We try to keep it as friendly and fun as as as as possible. Because you can't I mean, if you make it too serious, then it just becomes too dull otherwise. Right? Yep.
Eric:You gotta gotta have fun with it.
Khoa Hoang:Yeah. Thank you.
Eric:So, yeah. So if you got value out of this episode, and if you maybe you know somebody who, maybe they are struggling with, with with prospecting, send this episode to them. This is one of the ways that we, we grow this show, is, just people sharing it with with other friends. So send send this send this to them. I think that they will be very grateful.
Eric:Even if they're not in BNI, this is all all everything that we teach. Yes. This is encompassed in, like, a, like, a BNI umbrella, but this is all, business advice that can apply to anything as well. Whatever. Yeah.
Eric:So, yeah. So thanks so much for listening. We'll see you in the next episode.
Crystal:And don't forget to log your single CEU. Thank you for joining us for the business boost hour. My name is Crystal Pravette and this is Eric Buells. Thank you for joining us and don't forget to document your single CEU. See you next time.
Eric:See you in the next episode.