17. The Long Game with Dave Lindsey
What is the right mindset for a BNI chapter? How long do you have to invest in BNI? In this episode, we meet with David Lindsay, one of our long term veteran members, to talk about the importance of long term thinking and commitment.
Eric Beels:Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Business Boost Hour podcast. My name is Eric Beals, and I'm the vice president of BNI Escondido.
Crystal Privett:And my name is Crystal Privett, the president of BNI Escondido. Welcome to the single CEU podcast. Today, we have Dave Lindsey. Thank you for joining us, Dave.
Dave Lindsey:Thanks for having me, guys. I'm excited.
Crystal Privett:Such a pleasure.
Eric Beels:Awesome having you. So so I know, one thing I wanna say, I know you are probably one of our biggest fans now, actually. You've listened to a lot of the the pat the past past episodes. I actually wanna kind of ask you, what has been your favorite part so far on on this show?
Dave Lindsey:It's your guys' ability to bring out everyone's uniqueness. And everyone in this in our chapter is, pretty amazing in what they do and working together. And that's and you guys have the ability to bring that out and and really shine in each, and everybody's podcast.
Eric Beels:Nice. That's that's fantastic to hear. You know, this is a new kind of venture venture for us actually too, kind of stepping out and kind of, doing this. And, you know, it all kind of boils down to, giving back to our our our chapter and kind of helping everybody everybody grow. And so, you know, I think everybody can gain value out of, doing this.
Eric Beels:So well, let's, so let's start off, Dave. Tell us a little bit about who you are and and what you do. Like, let everybody know what what what that who who you are.
Dave Lindsey:Thank you. Dave Lindsey with the David Lindsey Agency. I'm a, health, and Medicare health group health insurance and Medicare specialist. I've been doing it almost 20 years here in San Diego, and I've been in the, BNI chapter as well almost 20 years. If anyone who needs to get a hold of me, I am on LinkedIn and Facebook and that kind of stuff.
Dave Lindsey:But I
Eric Beels:think that needs an applause.
Crystal Privett:Yes. Let's give it up for 20 years.
Eric Beels:Seriously. I mean, that's a that's a that's a that that's that's an accomplishment, I think. You know, saying it like, it it proving that it it works Mhmm. For, you know, that long of a period. Right?
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. Absolutely.
Eric Beels:It it's
Crystal Privett:The resiliency it takes to go 2 decades in a group, but, also, obviously, something's working right if if we're able to maintain and be continuing to support you.
Eric Beels:Yep. Yep.
Dave Lindsey:The absolutely. The the, the chapter supported me, business wise and emotionally things through things, good things and bad. So it's it's really cool.
Eric Beels:Yeah. Well, I think that kinda, like, leads into the topic, that we have for today, which is longevity and teamwork. So tell me a little bit about, like, what what what made you kinda wanna go into that that topic? What what stood out to you with with longevity?
Dave Lindsey:Well, it the a lot of the folks that we have in our chapter that have been through the thick and thin have been there a long time, whether it's, you know, even half of 20 is a long time. Half of that is still a long time. 5 years or more in the chapter is something that's going to be successful and be part of the team and be through the thick and the thin, in my humble opinion. It's just you don't this is not something that is a get rich quick or a get rich even slow. You know, it takes more than a couple years.
Dave Lindsey:It's really just that it takes time, but then some something clicks for someone in each and every, person that does stick it out. That's the that's the message. It's just keep staying part of the team. And if you the the the other thing is don't get short term it is. If you if you have your doubts
Eric Beels:Short term it is.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. I mean, we all have our doubts and that sort of thing, but don't live that with your heart. You need it's important to, impress upon people that you are are in it to win it and and are loving on each other. And that's what that's the thing that breaks makes our chapter really different from any other BNI chapter, and then BNI different from any other networking group out there. Mhmm.
Dave Lindsey:I really believe.
Crystal Privett:I remember our first one to one, you told me that it's a rich get rich slow scheme, and I thought about it for a little bit. But I actually really resonate with what you said because it helped set proper expectations. A lot of times, that 1st year is getting the exposure, but the relationships really don't come until you really dive a little deeper. And I feel like that's really year 2. Yep.
Crystal Privett:And some of the the the studies on in BNI have shown that if you can get past that 1 year mark, then you're most likely to stay in it for at least 4 years.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm. And my my tip is just if you get when you get past that 1 year mark, be fully on board and be part of the team, start getting more involved, you know, more of the back to the givers game. Give more of yourself so that you people see that. They know that. They wanna help you.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm. Oh, good.
Eric Beels:Yeah. Yeah. The it it it it I think it's that that having that kind of preparation, I think, when when people join is so important because it kinda sometimes it can I think when you first join, it kinda feels like, man, everyone's passing? You see people passing around. I know when I first joined, I kinda felt that way a little bit where I was like, man, people passing around.
Eric Beels:Like, I need business and such too. Like Mhmm. You know, I think a lot of people are kind of joining because they maybe they they're initialing because they they I mean, you're initialing because you do need business. Right? You're not really joining to be in China.
Eric Beels:Now if you're, like, taught you're, like, over swamped with business, you're probably not joining a BNI chapter. Right? So, and so but so you're either joining because you need more business or you're, like, desperate for business. In my case, I was desperate for business when I first when I first first first, joined. And so but it does.
Eric Beels:But you gotta you know, if you don't have that that that that preparation when you first join on, like, hey. You know, this takes time. It's relationship building. We're not gonna just, just, you know, give you business because you're in the chapter necessarily. Like, we got you gotta build trust with us.
Eric Beels:Right. And I'm speaking, like, from the perspective of other members. And when and and and and if you don't have that long term mindset and and and with that with the relationship building building, rapport good healthy rapport with other people in the chapter, you know, 3 months in, you'd be like, why haven't I gotten a thing? You know? Yeah.
Eric Beels:I I I paid, you know, whatever, 700 or however much it is to to join this chapter. I still haven't gotten business in 3 months. It's like, well, 3 months is a pretty short period, you know, unless you get a really easy referral or something like that. But I think most people,
Crystal Privett:it takes a long time to too. At first, you have the MSP program and passport, and you're trying to learn all these acronyms, and there's so many people in the group that you're like, wow. This is a really group big group of people. I get to meet everyone. And but, I just recently did the MSP over.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm. And I
Crystal Privett:was like, wow. Some of this, like, did not get absorbed the first time.
Dave Lindsey:Absolutely.
Crystal Privett:Because there's so much to learn. So it is kinda neat to dive back in and, like, having multiple one to ones with 1 person, you get to dive a little deeper each time. So having 20 years of one to ones and, you know, that's a lot of connection. What would you like to say about, like, building that connection? It
Dave Lindsey:it's just crucial. And the one the one of the wonderful things, I was thinking about for you guys is that BNI has accountability. They we have a traffic light program. And a lot of new people don't necessarily understand what that is, but it's it is a wonderful tool for us to measure someone's engagement in the chapter. And those and I say us, I'm not there anymore, but those behind the scenes that are, on membership committee and leadership get to see, you know, what's driving.
Dave Lindsey:And typically, if you find that someone's not getting it, they're in the red. They're not doing enough one to ones. They're not doing CEUs. They haven't finished their passport program. I've I've seen it all the time.
Dave Lindsey:So folks that get in and go take charge and may really say, okay. I wanna learn what all these acronyms are. I wanna learn the MSP as member success program. Well, gosh. I wanna I'm a member, and I wanna have success, so I'm gonna do that.
Dave Lindsey:And passport program. Some that used to be a program where you would meet with the same person for 12 weeks to learn all that material. Oh, wow. Wow. And then someone had the brilliant idea of saying, hey.
Dave Lindsey:This is a great idea to mentor someone, but why don't we split it up amongst 12 people in the chapter? And that just was brilliant to make it that passport program. Mhmm. I think they're renaming it back to the mentor program again, but the bottom line is you get to meet with what the chapter chooses is 10 to 12 people that are very influential and can be, you know, a a wonderful new partner in your, in your business separately together. That's one, you know, that's one thing that we do is that we're all in business separately together Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:As a team. And I was talking about about teamwork earlier. That's what we can do. 1 of you know, this thing that you guys are doing with the, in, the podcast is huge. I would never have gone in and looked at trying to do a podcast as a 61 year old guy that's in trying to run his business.
Dave Lindsey:It's just but
Crystal Privett:Yeah. Here you are.
Dave Lindsey:But but because I'm gonna be around for a while still, and I want to see what you know, support this. And you guys are doing amazing work. So
Eric Beels:Well, I think people like yourself actually have the, you know, that you guys have the most wealth to to give because you've had the, you know, the 20 years experience in BNI. Right? You have you've been you've kinda see that we've been and seen seen it all, essentially. Right? I would that's what that's that's the way I see you anyways, Dave.
Dave Lindsey:He can
Crystal Privett:see long. He's like he's like really? Flag.
Dave Lindsey:I don't ever share the red flags, green flags, and I try not to think about those. But the reality is is, yes. I I've seen a lot, but it doesn't matter. The whole re our chapter, we don't have clicks. We don't have a lot of other chapters suffer from that because older people start to say younger people should be running it.
Dave Lindsey:And the reality is we all should be working it and running it and doing the the one to ones and doing it in in the green on traffic lights. Everybody should. And that's just the reality of of it. It doesn't matter that I've been there 20 years
Eric Beels:Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:To those of you all that are still trying to grow your business and take over and and what have you. If someone you know, people go to the sidelines and disappear once they're not in leadership. That's just the wrong thing. You know, it's it's it's distance, sincere. So we are insincere.
Dave Lindsey:Anyhow, the thing is is we all need to continue to work together and believe in where we're going. And that's why I'm here and, you know, listening to all y'all's podcasts and soulmates.
Eric Beels:What do you think about so, like because what I'm kind of hearing right now, like, a lot of it is a matter of just, you know, how much are you kind of be pouring into it? How much are you gonna be pouring into BNI, when when you when you first first join. I mean, that's why, like I mean, imagine if we only met once a month. Like, we're like, I don't even know if chapters like this exists. Probably not.
Eric Beels:I can't imagine it being it working very well. But, like, if you met once a month, it'd be like, who are you again? It'd take you for ages to kinda figure anything out. And, you know, that's why, like, the weekly stuff is is so is is so, meeting on a weekly basis is so important. Mhmm.
Eric Beels:But more frequently than that, actually, too, though. That's just the meetings as you have the one to ones and things like that out out outside of that too. And so, you know, if if I think there's, like, a couple different layers of of, of commitment. One is just, like, the bare minimum commitment, which is, like, go to the meetings
Crystal Privett:on time.
Eric Beels:Do the CUs, have the one to ones. Exactly. Show up on on all that. That's kind of, like, the bare minimum.
Dave Lindsey:And make a referral if it happens to fall on your lap.
Eric Beels:Yeah. Exactly. Make a referral.
Crystal Privett:Rule. 90 minutes in, 90 minutes without Right.
Eric Beels:That's the
Crystal Privett:that's the bare minimum.
Eric Beels:That's the bare that's the bare minimum. And what I'm wondering is, you know, I know sometimes I see some people kind of struggling where they they, you know, maybe they're they're struggling to get their one to ones in or they're struggling to do. I struggled in the very beginning. I didn't I was struggling to kind of comprehend, like, the idea of being when I first joined, I was in the gray for a while, or like I said, start a little bit. And then, like, I tapered out.
Eric Beels:And, you know, part of that, was my own my own false mindset on stuff where it was like, I gotta make the sale for somebody and stuff. That's not true. If you can, great. But that's not that that doesn't mean you shouldn't send a referral. You know, it's on the other person's job that you're referring to do the sale and whatnot.
Eric Beels:But then I wasn't doing the CEUs. You know, there was there was a lot, but then
Crystal Privett:There's a learning curve.
Eric Beels:There's a learning curve. Yeah. There is. There is. And, but, you know, what the member membership committee at the time, you know, was, you know, was was graceful, and they were like, hey.
Eric Beels:You gotta get these things up. We're gonna help you with it. So that's where it's that was you know, I was extremely grateful for that because everyone wasn't just like, you're in the gray. Get out of here. You know, they just boot me out.
Crystal Privett:You. Yeah. Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Right. And and I think that's that is really especially with with with new members, kind of, like, having that extra grace and that that coaching mentality. And but what I'm wondering is is this is like maybe maybe you've you've seen this, Dave, and I've, you know, noticed this with with myself that, like, when you kinda get more involved with something, it tends to be that, you you tend to just because you're just more involved in volunteering in whatever, that maybe doesn't really seem like it's it's it's it's going to help, like, your business because you're involved with it. You you just tend to just start doing a little bit better in the chapter. Have you seen if if people start kind of like, if someone's struggling, have you seen if they start volunteering even at, like, an like, a more like, a like, a stepping stone position, like a visitor host or something like that?
Eric Beels:Have you seen that those people tend to start doing better?
Dave Lindsey:Absolutely. We're we are our chapter's typically very forgiving and meeting people where they are if someone's struggling in the beginning, but our membership committee to you know, we're in a place where we're not we're not typically dealing with some of the problems that some of the other chapters are deal are dealing with, meaning that if if membership committee is having to deal with negative stuff in a chapter Mhmm. That's tying up their time to do things that are proactive and really helping the new members that have come on, coaching up someone that might be in the in the red. And you would see those, that tendency of, okay, well, let's just a membership committee will make decisions to go, assign a couple people to go start doing one to ones with those folks just to try to help them and make sure that they understand what they can be doing more. The key thing again for me for, for folks that are new is get involved get the MSP done within 30 days and get on the passport program and and get locked that out within 60 to 90 days.
Dave Lindsey:And do the one to ones with other people and try to find out if there's a power team in your chapter and things. And a lot of this stuff starts to be become the same language for them. It's not it doesn't become a foreign it may start out as foreign language, but it becomes something that is really rewarding for everybody. Mhmm. And remember one other thing I was thinking about.
Dave Lindsey:Until just a few years ago when when we got hit with COVID, we were a live chapter every week. Yeah. Yeah. And so you talk about that. And you're able to kinda do some more things when you're meeting live every week.
Dave Lindsey:You're able to have a private conversation with someone or, hey, let's meet after and things like that. So we lose that. But by going hybrid, we still kinda get that back. And because we've got a chapter that's a lot of folks are mature and and they're having been there, we have the ability to just kind of, okay, do more one to ones, or we try to do the social events and things like that.
Eric Beels:Yeah. Yeah. I think there there's there's there's pros and cons to hybrid. Mhmm.
Dave Lindsey:You know,
Eric Beels:there there's aspects where I'm like you know, sometimes I'm I'm like, I kinda wish we met in person every week that happens, and I'm sure there's there's a lot of people in me feel feel the same. At the same time, there's times I'm like, it's so such a relief that I can kind of just pop in online and stuff too.
Crystal Privett:More manageable for most people with our busy schedules. I mean, it's already a pretty good sized commitment. And Yeah. It's interesting how attendance is directly correlated to think you've closed business. It's the most, directly correlated number.
Crystal Privett:So so when people show up, they're they're not showing up for just themselves, but they're showing up for the whole group. So as being such a seasoned member, I'm interested because a lot of times we do sign up, like Eric said, because we're trying to grow our business. But one of the core values is lifelong learning. And you you sign up to grow your business, but you don't realize there's all this training and all of this, education that's going on. And you've probably seen because I've over those 20 years, things have evolved.
Crystal Privett:I'm interested to hear your feedback on how the education aspect has evolved with, like, the app and different things that allow us to have, educational benefit.
Dave Lindsey:It's it's pretty amazing. And I'm not, the Chris Danofia of the chapter because he that guy is just an inspiration, from, you know, everything that he's brought to us and his his, paddle that he dips in the waters pretty deep on that on that. I I am a guy that, does a lot, and believes that we are always changing. This world is always changing. Technology has gone from, you know, what we were 10 years ago to now podcasting and a multibillion dollar industry and things like that.
Dave Lindsey:And if you don't keep up and and stay relevant and continue to, embrace change, I probably need to go back to MSP just to see what's on there. But I've been to it when in the early going, and I've been to it 4 or 5 times because Mhmm. Back in the day, we'd it was a live meeting, and you'd go with someone new and just kinda support them in their in their efforts and stuff. I think
Eric Beels:it's still live. Right? Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:It's back to live.
Eric Beels:You're back to live now. Right? Yeah. I think just during COVID, it was it was online. Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Yeah. I I think, you know, it's another the the doing stuff live, like, you know, doing stuff stuff remote and and digitally, like, has its has its been, but there's something about doing live stuff Mhmm. If if if possible. Especially especially new people, I think, too. Yeah.
Eric Beels:So I
Crystal Privett:I Online is a good compromise if it's online or nothing.
Dave Lindsey:Right.
Crystal Privett:Then then online is great. But if we were to pick, I mean, who doesn't if you've ever been to one of our BNI Escondido meetings in person, you feel this energy and excitement and this love. And people walk in the room and we're like, wow. I've never at 6:45 in the morning, you guys are all actually feeling this. Like No.
Eric Beels:It is it is revitalizing actually too, you know, because it's like you go through a month or so online, and then you come in person. In person is like, bam. Yeah. They like yeah. The energy is, like, really, really good.
Eric Beels:That's why, like, we record these episodes after, like, a few days after the, our in person stuff too. And, like like, we we chose that intentionally just because it's like you're you know, I'm pumped in stuff too. Okay. Cool.
Crystal Privett:Now let's do Riding off each other's coattails of success. Yep.
Eric Beels:Yeah. And, and, yeah. So I I I think the I mean, you're you've been inspiring me to kinda go back to I think I've only taken MSP once, actually. And, but you're inspiring me to kinda go back, to it and kinda learn learn what's new. Because you're right.
Eric Beels:When you first kinda go through it, it's kind of there's so much kind of happening. I think that's why I kinda had dipped down into the into the gray because I have a tendency where if I start feeling overwhelmed, I can I tend I I gravitate towards just not doing anything?
Crystal Privett:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:That's what my
Crystal Privett:You go to the freeze, the fight, flight, or freeze.
Eric Beels:Yeah. I'm kind of a freezer. Yeah. I think I think you're right. And You and me both.
Eric Beels:And right. And so and and and there's so much. And so, you know, that's why and, I mean, I I had Phil Jordan kind of, you know, taking me the I think he was mentor coordinator at the time, and I know. I I miss Philip. I wanna back in the
Crystal Privett:under your wing. Yeah.
Eric Beels:Philip, if you're listening, you gotta you gotta rejoin.
Crystal Privett:We miss you.
Eric Beels:And we miss you. And it you know, it's, there is so much kinda happening. I think it is I imagine that I probably miss most of it Yeah. Honestly. Like, it kinda goes
Crystal Privett:We can only absorb so much at that point. And now seeing it from a fresh perspective, I was like, okay. I could see especially from now on the leadership perspective, when you're joining, you're just a little newbie. Yeah. And now you can see, like, a lot of the reasons why BNI is creating a lot of the policies.
Crystal Privett:And, I think they do a really good job of, like, tying in that accountability, but not being so over I mean, at first, it is a little overwhelming. But once you get it down, it it doesn't take that much off of, you know, what your other responsibilities are. And having the value of being able to track the numbers and see the benefit and see the referrals. I mean, Dave, let me know your input because you've been around so long. I can only imagine, like, what you've been able to see, in the chapter over that longevity.
Dave Lindsey:I've seen I I was the thing that's amazing is not only just the business part. It's the the personal part. Seeing people grow, seeing people, just start to to, flourish. Adam came to us with a and was a a three man or with him on the roof, a solar guy. And at the time, we did have a roofing contractor.
Dave Lindsey:And Adam built his business, bought that guy's roofing business, and now he's one of the few contractors that can actually offer both to clients. And it's it's and he built a beautiful business. Yeah. I'm, the things those are the things that I cherish. I don't the the business part of it and the people that we get to help.
Dave Lindsey:I mean, I'm blessed. Kwas is a wonderful financial planner, and I get a lot of his folks that I get to help with Medicare and doing an honorable job, and that reflects back to him. And he is just it's it's a wonderful, what's the words?
Crystal Privett:Synergy?
Dave Lindsey:Synergy. Yeah. That that gets created, and it just becomes you know, half the time, I'm getting calls from people Klaas sends me, and I'm sending them an email back saying, hey. Turn in a referral. Is it just and for ends you know, and that's but that's how this thing works is it just starts to be you may not get business from 80% of the chapter, but the 20%.
Dave Lindsey:But you're gonna end up and we're all like I said earlier, we don't have anybody that's off on the sidelines doing negative stuff. We're all in the chapter paddling. That's why we've got 93, 94%, you know, attendance, it it during a difficult time. Yeah. And the
Eric Beels:It's always the the rough kind of time of year where attendance always drops because Thanksgiving and Christmas and all that stuff till holiday.
Crystal Privett:Flu is always going around.
Eric Beels:Yeah. There's a lot of things that kind of make make November December kind of, that's when they were recording this is November December, but it it it becomes kind of tricky because it's, for it's kinda maintaining
Crystal Privett:There's room for more grace. Yeah. Absolutely. But oftentimes, I mean, there there's times where we're a 100% attendant, so you you have to you have to give room for both. We try all everyone tries really hard in our group, but also, I mean, we don't
Dave Lindsey:mean happens.
Crystal Privett:We don't mean to fail, but that's when we have a group that can help pick each other up, and it's beautiful to to see that. We get to celebrate people's, successes and things happening, like Eric becoming a new dad. We get to
Eric Beels:Yep.
Crystal Privett:Celebrate that.
Eric Beels:Absolutely. And that's really exciting.
Crystal Privett:Like you said, seeing people grow. I remember before you met your girlfriend, Heather, and we had a conversation saying, you know, talking about kind of inspiring one another, and you gave me some advice in my relationship and or lack thereof. And, I would get to see you and Heather be so happy together. That makes me so happy knowing that you were looking for a partner like her. And seeing you with her, that's that's like what you're saying.
Crystal Privett:Those little successes aren't tangible. Nope. The financial part isn't, associated with it, but look at how much joy and how much more rewarding your life is now that you found someone like her.
Dave Lindsey:So Completely fulfilled. So thank you.
Crystal Privett:We're celebrating you.
Dave Lindsey:I appreciate that very much. She is an angel.
Eric Beels:Yeah. Yeah. So what I think with any with with one of the, I think, core things with with, just in your b and I chapter is, like, really I know in ours, anyways, we kind of treat everybody like family, like, and and either Family like. Yeah. Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:I guess so. I guess so.
Eric Beels:We do have to clarify that, I suppose. Yeah. You're right. Yeah. It's like your kind of your your your chosen business family, I suppose.
Eric Beels:And, and I think that that really does go a long ways towards just, like, one, building your own like, having that perspective. Like, okay. I'm gonna you know, if you visit a chapter, like, okay. I'm gonna these people are basically gonna become my family.
Crystal Privett:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:And so I think there's truth in, like, kind of finding the right chapter for for you, whatever that looks like.
Crystal Privett:Absolutely.
Eric Beels:And so because it's definitely the you know, b and I is like the structure, but at the end of the day, it's the people that you're that you're around.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:And, and so, you know, I haven't been in any other have you been in other chapters before? Is this
Dave Lindsey:No. As an insurance guy, every you just don't go visit many other chapters because they always have that spot.
Eric Beels:Sure. Sure. Yeah. And
Crystal Privett:The high demand. Right.
Eric Beels:Yeah. And so what I'm wondering is, like, you know, someone maybe we can kinda talk about this. Someone that's maybe looking for a shower. Maybe they visit because I've every once in a while, I've come across somebody that, like, oh, I tried BNI, and and it just didn't work for me. Like, I didn't like it at all.
Eric Beels:And they're like they're like, I think they were like a realtor. And I'm just like, they're you're like the main Yeah. You know, one of the main You're
Crystal Privett:the golden goose.
Eric Beels:Exactly. Yeah. You're like you you're like the bridge for half the people in the group oftentimes. Right? And, so, you know, people really want
Crystal Privett:You do need to shop around for chapters because that's a great point, Eric. You wanna make sure you find the right fit, and it might be a different chapter. I know some people in San Diego have because, like, say, Dave, your spot is kind of hard to fill, but you're already here for Escondido. There might be someone in Escondido that wants to be part of our group, but they have to go to Poway or another chapter because that space isn't available for them. So That's
Dave Lindsey:one of my mantras has always been to that I want my seat more valuable with me in it than out of it. Mhmm. Mhmm. I love that. But that's why, you know, that's why I'm I I work hard and work and I don't call it work.
Dave Lindsey:It's just love hard. Mhmm. We we work, we love together in this chapter and helping each other and genuinely trying to keep everybody and caring about everybody. And that's that's the the that is the underlying theme that would that sets us apart. Fully believe it.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm.
Crystal Privett:Yeah. Compassion goes a long way, especially in today's age when things can feel really transactional, and sometimes it feels like people are trying to get one up on you. But to be able to walk into a room with all these people that you don't feel that way, you can let your guard down. You can be yourself. You can express to these people what you're trying to do within your business.
Crystal Privett:And oftentimes, there's someone in the group that either can help you or know someone that can help you to to that next level. And I've I've I have been to some other chapters, and I I know what we have is special and unique. So,
Dave Lindsey:it I've just seen a bunch of people that have gone to other chapters and come back to ours to apply. So
Crystal Privett:Yeah. Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:I I that's that's just been over the over the course of time that we we have as as a chapter of grown, Arm. I've always stayed away from, trouble as best as we can and not, not gotten clicky, but, you know, just focus on the positive. And you allow people are gonna have certain things that they're gonna have to go through most likely before the end, in in life and probably not business wise, but something might be going on in the background that that has them not completely paddling. But once they get through the other side or or confide in someone that in the chapter, it's pretty cool what we can do for each other. Mhmm.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. Someone's been through most of the the stuff that goes on out there in life.
Crystal Privett:But we're also very intentional about trying to not make it be clicky. Like, having people change seats or have one to ones with someone you've never met with because oftentimes you meet someone in the group and you're like, oh, I have nothing in common with this person. Like, I'm gonna really have to make this one to one work. And then you sit down, you're like, how did I not know that we had so much in common? And I think that's beautiful because almost every one to one I've ever had, there's so much common ground that you just didn't realize.
Crystal Privett:And that's what the power of a one to one really is is, like, wow. We have we have connections. We're human. We have touch points that are the same. They're not gonna be the same with you, Dave, as they are with Eric, but that's the beautiful thing about us.
Crystal Privett:We're multifaceted.
Dave Lindsey:That's exactly. And the one thing I love being part of is the, mentor program being on that list of folks that, folks have to meet with. We just dined. Grant just dined.
Crystal Privett:Eric Grant?
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. Garrett, Grant just reached out to me for a one to 1, for his passport program. Did we just induct him? And I'm like so, I that's awesome. I love it.
Dave Lindsey:And I love meeting with new people and just kinda trying to help get them started and and get going. It's just folks have to give a have to trust the process. And, I think
Eric Beels:it's probably the what may might be one of the one of the bigger mistakes that maybe some chapters kind of make. And and it I think it's easy to to to do. Like, even when when we had kind of started, like, this idea on on doing this, it was it was it was, in a way, tempting to kinda pour all my time and effort into this and, like, oh, don't worry. I don't need to worry about the VP stuff or whatever. It's like, no.
Eric Beels:No. You need to worry about the VP stuff. This is all an add on. And so because that you know, one of our one of our core values is is the traditions plus innovations. And, like, the the the way I kinda see the tradition side of things is, like, maintain what works Yep.
Eric Beels:And follow the process because I think people you know, it's so tempting to kinda look at, like, oh, would it be better if we did it this way? It's like, well, you know, I've been doing this a really long time.
Crystal Privett:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:And I've kind of learned, like, I just I like, we learned recently that we asked the I, the question to to Ray. Like, you know, how come you know, you know, what if we did, like, 2 in persons and 2 to, like, every other week an in persons sort of thing? So then maybe it's like a it's like a more than happy. 5050 hybrid sort of thing. And, like, the reason that doesn't exist, is because people kept missing meetings.
Eric Beels:People kept getting confused. It kept happening just across the board globally. And and and, of course, if people aren't at meetings or they're causing confusion, now they're gonna get frustrated. They're gonna essentially get an absence when everyone now it's like, do I I don't wanna give them an absence now, but because they're not here because they didn't mean to. You know what I mean?
Eric Beels:And so that's, of course, gonna hurt her chapter. And so And then you're spending all
Crystal Privett:that time reinventing the wheel when really what you should be doing is working on the hubcap. Yeah.
Eric Beels:Yeah. Yeah. It's already it's already it's already been it's already been been been tested. BNI goes through all these processes kind of for you as a chapter. And so and that's that's all, like, research and development, which is, like, you're either spending a lot of money on that or you're spending a lot of time on that.
Eric Beels:And there's value in doing that, but, like, don't reinvent the wheel. Yeah. Don't don't start doing things that kind of, maybe have already been tested. And, and and I so back to kind of what I was originally saying was I think one of the issues I think a lot of, maybe other chapters might have is they're maybe kinda trying to kind of reinvent this this wheel. They're not following the protocols.
Eric Beels:Yeah. They're not following
Crystal Privett:They don't understand the traditions part. I mean, the innovation the plus innovation is, yes. That would be, you know, something like this.
Dave Lindsey:But
Eric Beels:That's the more exciting thing, I think. Right? It's kind of the more exciting, but, like, you gotta kinda You
Crystal Privett:put your own spin on it, but, definitely, we wanna stay as close to that as possible. Like you said, they put time and energy and research into it. They know what works. So, that's what we're also investing in.
Dave Lindsey:It's it's hard though because we all have an independent streak in each one of us, you know, regardless whether it's an inch wide or 8 inches wide, but there's an independent streak. Mhmm. And when you when you get told to join this team and there's a process and there's this, it's kinda hard, but that's you've I I tell, when I'm interviewing clients, I tell this now, are you coachable? And do you wanna have a little fun? Mhmm.
Dave Lindsey:Because if you're not, I, you know, I can't educate you enough on the insurance if you're not coachable and you're still you're trying to shop. Because the reality is the prices are all the same out there. Mhmm. It's who do you want to to help you and and who do you trust and that sort of thing. And I'm trying to gain that and have a little fun at doing it because otherwise, it's kind of
Crystal Privett:Monoguing it.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. It can be. But, again, those are the things that are important. That's the thing our chapter does. And, yes, but if you don't trust the process, the I haven't started this thing back in 1984.
Dave Lindsey:It's Mhmm. Gone through a lot of iterations. You know? Remember Southwest Airlines got founded on a, cocktail napkin, then they because they drove 3 different destinations on a cocktail napkin and said we're gonna make an airline that flies here. And now I would yep.
Dave Lindsey:Oh, wow. But the my point in is being is that things continue to change. You mentioned going to MSP. I'm down for going, with you, you know, if we can do it next month type thing. And just because I'm curious to see what the latest and greatest is on the on this stuff.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm. Even though I've been serving all this time, I'm okay. I wasn't doing the MSP stuff. Mhmm. And I'm curious what a new member is going to because that's the person that we care about the most.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. What does a family care about, Eric? The the most, the newborn. Right? Yep.
Dave Lindsey:You're gonna get you're gonna be low low man on the totem pole pretty soon. Yep. And if you're not already.
Crystal Privett:And We love you, but we can't wait. Exactly.
Dave Lindsey:What is that? But I
Eric Beels:can't wait either.
Dave Lindsey:So it's the baby. So it's the new people that we've gotta nourish and bring up to speed in a loving way and in a fun way and the way that keeps them around and keeps us fulfilled in the the effort that we put forward and keeps them rewarded, in the in in order to stress that process. Mhmm. Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Oh, good. Yeah. I wonder yeah. I I think you know, it almost seems like you I wonder if some chapters, like, require members to kinda go back to MSP after a certain amount of time, like, of not how going
Crystal Privett:they're required unless their numbers are, you know, reflective of maybe needing some support. But there's always training out there, and then the business builder app
Dave Lindsey:has a
Crystal Privett:lot of different, trainings and, resources there.
Dave Lindsey:Absolutely.
Crystal Privett:I know as a director, there's a lot of online training that we go through as well as the in person stuff. So
Dave Lindsey:Congratulations on that, by the way. Oh,
Crystal Privett:thank you, Dave. Yeah. It's it's more VCP for our chapter. Right?
Dave Lindsey:Like,
Crystal Privett:getting getting the a word out for the podcast, getting the word out to grow our chapter. But yeah.
Eric Beels:Yeah. May maybe that might be something kinda to kind of expand upon a little bit because I think that's very much, you know, in in line with this kind of longevity topic, actually, is that kind of that those, like, director roles and whatnot. What kind of change have have have you seen kind of in yourself having I know you're still in the early stages, very early stages of it. But
Crystal Privett:I think the openness to, like, trying to figure out how and why they've created everything the way they have. At first, I was just trying to understand all of the the acronyms and stuff. And now kind of going in a little bit higher level, it's like, okay. Now I see why they've, you know, created the POMS report so that we can attract their attendance. There's different, I would say the biggest thing is being able to learn from them with an open mind of why they've created it this way, not trying to go in there going, oh, I've seen we have a very successful chapter.
Crystal Privett:Let me show you. It's not that. It's not you gotta take the ego out, be open to learning. You can't learn if you're if you're think you know it all. So I would say that the biggest thing is and and how they're starting to evolve.
Crystal Privett:Like Dave said, we BNI is growing. There used to be a point where we would hand each other slips. I wasn't around then, but I know it used to be like that. And now they're creating these groups, these power groups within the app where we can connect to people all over the world. Mhmm.
Crystal Privett:We just made a business boost hour group. So if you, are in BNI, you check out our group, on the app. So, yeah, there there's, like, power teams all over the world now that are being created. That's awesome. I would say just, absorbing the knowledge that they have to offer because there's so much.
Crystal Privett:I'm actually looking forward to kind of getting even more involved. Like, I wanna go to one of the conventions. I've never been to
Dave Lindsey:any of the conventions.
Eric Beels:I haven't either. Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. They used to host them in, Long Beach. So it was easy to get
Crystal Privett:up pretty mad at you. For us. Yeah. The Long Beach used to have them.
Dave Lindsey:They used to do them up there, and so is, those of us who were in Southern California got kinda spoiled, and we're able to drive up and and do them every year. So in the early going. But
Crystal Privett:Yeah. Because BNI Now
Dave Lindsey:now they made it more global.
Crystal Privett:Started here in in California. So we we got a little benefit of that. But, yeah, the more you get in connection, the like, I had done that recent beauty pageant, for woman of achievement, and we were all doing a team building exercise. And one of the ladies across from me was a 69 year old build bodybuilder. Oh, wow.
Crystal Privett:She phenomenally inspired me. Arvy Robinson, shout out to you. But I stood across from. We're talking to each other. She is a direct friend of Ivan Meisner, goes to his parties, is like his neighbor.
Crystal Privett:She's like, oh, me and Ivan. Yeah. We're, like, family friends for years. And it's, like, so incredible to go to an event in Irvine and to meet someone that is from different part of the the state and to, like, know that, like, just talking to people. BNI has connections everywhere.
Crystal Privett:If you ask people, they maybe have either been in it or heard of it, but, I didn't know how deep the connections go. So I think that part is interesting. Like, as you dive deeper, it it's relational and Yep. They they keep telling us that, and it's so true.
Dave Lindsey:And it's also, credibility. I get all kinds of calls from folks that were former members at some point, you know, to ask me if there's if I'm still, in BNI, and I'll tell them, yeah, I am. And and they're like, okay. Well, I'm aging into Medicare if you remember me, blah blah blah. And, you know, you love them back on.
Dave Lindsey:And, yeah, I'm able to help them, and it's just that's you know, it's really powerful. Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Yeah. I I wanna kind of kinda, talk on the, like, the involvement kind of, aspect of of being involved as, like, more than just more than just a
Crystal Privett:The baseline.
Eric Beels:The baseline. Because I think, you know, the bay I think if you're just doing the baseline, you're you're you know, for eventually, you're gonna I mean, that well, one of the questions when we've when when you when you vet people is, like, are, you know, are you willing to, serve on on leadership or or I forgot the exact wording of it, but it it's something like, are you willing to, like, provide more to the to the to the chapter and help out? And so we volunteer and whatnot. Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:Grab a paddle and a paddle.
Eric Beels:Well, one thing it's kind of you know, it's it's kind of like a there is an aspect where it's kind of like a like a bit of a part time part time job even as a member. Like, you gotta go to the meetings and do all you know? And and, but I think that, you know, if you if you pour in the the the time into and build the build build those relations those relationships, and and, I think and you gotta you gotta really have that long term mindset with it because that you know, I I know we kind of, like, repeated that multiple times, but it is it really is so, so, so important because, like, people that that we've seen kind of drop out, it's usually because they just weren't all that invested into the chapter. Like, that's and then they'll probably know, there might be an ask where they might wanna be like, oh, VNI doesn't really, really work. It's like, no.
Eric Beels:You have to put in the time into it, though.
Crystal Privett:Yeah. Like, how many one to ones did you have? Were you willing to show up early to the meeting to help us set up? Were you, bringing a can of peanut butter for, you know, someone who need who is doing a peanut butter drive? All of these little things do add up to to an investment of e and I, which in turn investment in those relationships.
Crystal Privett:So my question to you, Dave, is if after you build that relationship, you kinda mentioned sometimes people come back, what do you think that the benefit of the trickle effect of creating that one relationship, whether they stay in BNI or they leave? Have you seen people that have still supported you even though they left BNI?
Dave Lindsey:Absolutely. Look, because you at at the end of the day, we're I humbly submit pretty competent professionals of what we do. I I was saying this earlier that I was kinda comparing us to, like, an NFL fantasy team. I I truly believe that with the caliber of people that we, you know, that were that are that are staying there through the thick and thin. It is amazing.
Dave Lindsey:And that's why some of these, people that seem to be super people that have come on board of late are so encouraged is because they see the quality of the people that have been there a long time. And it again, just as it's all and I always say all all this is humbly. You know, I I feel like we're a great chapter. I don't know. But at the at the end of the day, I know that I on Wednesdays, I don't, I don't go to bed Tuesday night dreading it.
Dave Lindsey:I go to bed, you know, excited, and I'm, Wednesday comes, and I'm I still, after 20 years, happy to be doing it and love to be going. And and I love I like them. I do prefer the live meetings, but I like that we've got that flexibility. So those people that would might not be able to stick around because of a weekly meeting, but they can then do things and do one to more an extra one to one that week instead of having that drive time that they woulda had and things like that. So
Crystal Privett:That's so beautiful that after all this time, you still find the joy and excitement of being in the group. That's a really, really beautiful testament, actually.
Dave Lindsey:Well, I
Eric Beels:think that's why you gotta make friends with with with everybody. Right? Because it's like if, you know, if it's, you know, I made to mention it's it's like a part time job, but at the same time, you you like a job oftentimes, you know, maybe you don't like your a lot of your coworkers and such. Right? You definitely have to like everybody in the chat because they are actively they are actively, want to refer you.
Eric Beels:They want to they they they they want to send people your way. Why? Because they like you.
Crystal Privett:And make friends with everyone, but don't expect everyone to return it probably, like, more like what Dave said even though we wanna really connect with everyone. There probably is still 20 to 30% of the group that's really gonna be your main source of connection, but it's not that could be the connection for business. I know you've helped me with, some Medicare stuff, Dave. So I know that there's been ways that I have saved money where I could've overspent in areas. So there's some benefit that's not even tangible like the financial part.
Crystal Privett:It's the the support and making sure we don't get taken advantage of. Like, when Mike Lee had to come cut part of my wall out, you know, I'm a single mom. People could really, price gouge you on that type
Eric Beels:of situation. That's huge. I think that's that's probably one of the more undervalued parts
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Of of a BNI chapter actually is is is the, like, that that that level of credibility that we need to cut that now people need to maintain with others in the chapter. Right? And so you really can, trust trust people a lot more in the chapter than you can just some random random person.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Because you do have that, that that level of of commitment, and you're gonna see the person every single week. Right? And so that just that it doesn't that's not to say things don't happen, but, like, it's it it helps, like, raise that.
Crystal Privett:Qualified. Yeah.
Eric Beels:Helps prequalify that a bit. Mhmm. I know, like, and, you know, one of the things with kind of being a long time too is, like, one of my one of my best referrals actually came from somebody that was in our chapter that's no longer in our chapter, like, like, a year afterwards. And so it's like awesome. It's be and it's because you built that relationship beforehand.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Mhmm. So, like, if I if I wasn't in the chapter earlier, then that wouldn't have never never happened. So but it takes years for for those those things to happen. It's one of my, like, I don't get too many too many referrals. I I think I'm definitely a harder referral for sure.
Eric Beels:But, like, the ones that I get for me, I usually get 2 or 3, like like, banger referrals,
Dave Lindsey:basically, for every single year or so. And then that's
Eric Beels:and that's makes it makes absolutely worthwhile, for for for myself. So it's like, there might be a I think there's also a certain level of what's your expectation to. What are you trying to, you know, gain out of it? And I think I don't know. What what do you guys think?
Eric Beels:Would it be better for someone to kind of join where it's like, my expectation is I won't I'm gonna build relationships, and I'm not gonna get any referrals this this this first year? Is that the right is that a what what do you think is, like, a healthy mindset, I guess, when joining the chapter?
Dave Lindsey:Well, as you're saying that one of the things that came to mind for me is that, remember, we're also in business separately together, and a lot of folks don't have or and me included back when I first started. And and the business, every to be confident in every aspect of being a good businessman. Mhmm. You know? I The act of human.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. Just being around other people that are peers that are willing to share and give and and, hey, can you coach me on this? Or the you know, you've gotta be a little bit vulnerable. Yes. But the this is a chapter where when we when we call it family, but that's what family does.
Dave Lindsey:Family get at the end of the day, you get vulnerable with someone and say, hey. I'm struggling in this area with my business. I don't know what to do. I've got this opportunity or what have you. And that's where you talked about some of the intangibles where sometimes it's just someone doing something that's not necessarily something to get compensated for.
Dave Lindsey:But it's any one of these people that have been on your podcast so far giving something that's in their flame. We've used that expression before. Right? The, that they were just really good at and sharing that with someone.
Eric Beels:You know, that that's a good point. You kinda you you you brought up where we're kind of, like, are are really always learning and kind of and and and and growing.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm.
Eric Beels:Because you because you are surrounded by mostly mostly business owners. Mhmm. Like, a lot and everyone's at kind of different different stages. Like, you know, you mentioned Adam had 3 employees in the beginning. Now he's at, like, I don't know, 60, 80, or a 100.
Eric Beels:I don't know what is that.
Dave Lindsey:Right? He's about 43.
Eric Beels:Yeah. So that's a huge that's that's a gargantuan jump that and that wouldn't that I don't probably wouldn't have happened if he wasn't, wasn't in the chapter.
Dave Lindsey:And what he says. Mhmm.
Eric Beels:And I think, like, there's a you don't know what you don't know, and it's really easy to sometimes feel like you know more, you know more than than or you think you know a lot more than you actually do. And you you really wouldn't learn new things about business in general unless you're in a BNI charter. It's almost like you almost get, like, coaching out of it, basically.
Dave Lindsey:That's Right?
Eric Beels:Which coaches
Crystal Privett:to earlier is there's so much education that you end up with that you don't really realize whether it's from the commercials that you're learning about, like, oh, we've got a solar cutoff or Mhmm. Oh, this new bill came through. You guys have to sign this paperwork for your taxes. Like, all of these things that there's no way as a business owner you could keep your pulse on all of these different areas. It's so neat.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. Absolutely. One of the things I said when I when I first joined was that I've got I I grew up here in San Diego, so I've got a lot of friends. But they don't know that I'm in necessarily in business or how they can help me in that sort of thing. And that's why I'm like, okay.
Dave Lindsey:So what do we do? And so I we started going through the processes and going to the trainings and doing the things that BNI does because at least BNI teaches you to and the people that choose to join it are going, having every intention in their heart of trying to help you. And it so you learn what your message is. You learn how to be able to, and then over time with, you know, with Facebook coming along, you learn how to maybe post on Facebook and stuff like that. And all of a sudden, you've got some folks that were you know, that you went to high school with that are that are calling you or saying some you know, it just BNI does more than just it's more than just the referral.
Dave Lindsey:Mhmm. Both the give the get and the give.
Eric Beels:Well, for me, like, I I guess kinda speaking on my my own experience on one one one area that is it's really helped me is it's really helped me kind of understand the importance of a team and kind of, like and and because it's it's it's you know, even though people aren't directly in your business, right, we're all we're all partners in business, but we're not they're not part of your business directly. They kind of are and in different ways, and you kind of learn how to kind of utilize people on a team. I mean, I know when, like, when I had first joined, I was very, like, I'm gonna do everything. You know, I'm I'm I'm kind of a control freak. Like, I'm I'm gonna do everything myself.
Eric Beels:A
Dave Lindsey:rule follower.
Eric Beels:I'm a rule follower. I'm a control freak. Like, do these things, and Eric can do it better than anybody else. And so the problem with that mindset is you can't grow with that. You can't grow if you're doing everything.
Eric Beels:Imagine, you know, if if, you know, if if if if Ivan was, you know, didn't wanna grow BNI, if he was the one doing everything, he was, you know if Ivan was president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, membership committee, he was everything, you know, it'd still be one chapter, basically.
Crystal Privett:Kind of like that old analogy, like, you can break a pencil pretty easily, but you've put a cluster of those pencils together and you try and break it, it's not gonna break. So I I think that's kind of what BNI is. It's Amen. It's though that those people that cluster around you to make you invincible because now you're not just one person, you're an entire team. And a lot of us are solopreneurs or are working on our own.
Crystal Privett:So having a team without having to pay for I mean, you essentially pay for membership, but you're you're get so much more.
Eric Beels:You get a lot more for 8 for 7 108. I don't know what it is. But what whatever ends up being, the, you know, bucks per year. Right? So it's a seats
Crystal Privett:$26,000 at minimum. I mean, that that's what our chapter is at right now. So, like, you get what you put in and that investment could go down the drain or it could go through the roof. It really, really depends on what you put into it. And that's why I think, Dave, you can probably recognize the the attributes of someone who's gonna be successful in the group and, maybe see some of the warning signs of someone that might not fit.
Dave Lindsey:So I
Crystal Privett:think it's really important too to to cultivate a good culture within the group so that, like you said, everyone in our group is really supporting and uplifting, and we don't have that one person that's really pulling us down. And if you did that, you really makes it a lot harder to to get to the higher levels when you have that, dichotomy of that pulling back.
Eric Beels:Yep. Yeah. So, David, maybe, like, if there's kind of, maybe there's not really one one thing. But, like, what would you say is, like, the the one thing that, new, like, new members or maybe even even veteran members? What what would you say is, like, like, the one most important thing, mindset somebody should have?
Crystal Privett:What is the wisdom from Dave?
Dave Lindsey:I I said it earlier, trust the process, and, you know, do do the things that we do. It's not the it's not a it it's not drinking Kool Aid, and it's we're not a cult or anything like that. But when we talk about, you know, anytime we talk about, a we and the things that we do, and it's all humble and from the standpoint of we're trying to make things better. And we're also willing to venture and try new things as a group. And, you know, we were talking about this before we went on that I, this whole podcasting thing.
Dave Lindsey:And I had a hard time stepping away from being involved in in serving in the chapter. But what I've seen is taken away those fears and what I hear and what, you know, the actions. Because, again, it's gotta be followed by actions. It can't just be words. But the things that you guys are doing to help take this chapter, I believe, in kind of a new direction that needs to be done.
Dave Lindsey:Well, a bunch of us old folks wouldn't be doing that kind of thing if it wasn't for something like what you're doing. Mhmm. I mean,
Crystal Privett:we've got someone in our chapter that saw the coast 101 before it was even paved.
Dave Lindsey:So Right?
Crystal Privett:Yeah. So it also can be for any age group too. I mean, a lot of times you think entrepreneurs that are learning that are really young might be the only person kind of looking for that group like this, but I would challenge that belief that we have people who had never even been on Zoom before. Like you said, COVID changed a lot of things. But the diversity in the group and also, like, understanding with compassion, like, people might have different skill sets, but seeing them evolve and being able to stay up with the group.
Crystal Privett:I'm incredibly impressed by Doug Copeland because Yep. The fact that he can maintain and stay with our group at Absolutely. The the the stage, and he's such an asset. Like, our group wouldn't be the same without him. So,
Dave Lindsey:I A lot of people wouldn't be comfortable taking their car somewhere if it wasn't for
Crystal Privett:him. Yeah.
Dave Lindsey:Absolutely. Yeah.
Eric Beels:I mean, like, a lot of, you know, car that's a pretty common one, I think, because people don't know that much about cars and, you know, you never know. Someone could, like, you know, cut a hose or something like that, and you would never really know.
Crystal Privett:Charge me for a fluid for my lights. Right. Right. Stuff that doesn't even exist.
Dave Lindsey:Yeah. Oh, man. Absolutely.
Crystal Privett:Yeah. But there's an integrity that comes with b and I, like you said, because we do see each other. You have to walk into the room every month with someone. You wanna make sure that they look at you with the utmost respect.
Dave Lindsey:And life's not perfect. We all make mistakes and are gonna have some you know, guess what happens in business. You gotta learn make some mistakes and learn some from somebody, but it's how you handle that. And if you're handling it in a professional way that that gets you and and the person that you were working with through that, situation, then things are good. And that's that's how life is.
Dave Lindsey:Life and families in real families can be difficult. So life and our life and our loving then it's a humbly submit us that life and our loving family can pretty pretty amazing because we're focused on a lot of the the positivity on the stuff that people are doing on daily basis of trying to work and grow their business and, get clients helped by someone that's very competent and or, you know, whatever way you wanna look at it, but it's, that's what the bottom line is at the end of the day is that we get a an excellent, professional service done for folks with a loving
Eric Beels:Yeah. I think that heart. Yeah. I think that that's and that's that's, I think that kinda goes up goes along with the the credibility side of things as well too. Right?
Eric Beels:Because that that will that will show through. That that, you know, doing doing doing your work with honesty and and integrity. Right? Because if you you know, someone who isn't that way is gonna weed themselves out of the chapter naturally. And so and, you know, Dave, it's it's clear you have a heart of gold.
Eric Beels:I've always gotten that sense sense from you, and I love that about you. And, you know, don't ever lose that. Yes.
Crystal Privett:You're a great mentor.
Dave Lindsey:Oh, you know? I don't look at myself as a mentor. I just look at myself as a brother, sister. We're all we're trying to get better and be better. And
Eric Beels:People that don't look at themselves as a mentor off to make the best mentors. Yeah. True story.
Dave Lindsey:Alright. Well, I'll I'll take I'll take the compliment. Thank you.
Crystal Privett:Compliment received.
Eric Beels:So, Dave, if somebody wanted to get in contact with you and have a one to one with you and and, you know, maybe dig deeper about BNI or connect with you, maybe they need insurance or whatever it might be, what how would the base that they best do that?
Dave Lindsey:I'm on and, I'm gonna quote Danofy here. I'm all over the Internet. I spilled that line. Sorry. I'm, Facebook, LinkedIn, 858-245-4796, or my website.
Dave Lindsey:Again, you can Google that, but it's davidlinsey insurance.com. Davidlinseyinsurance.com.
Eric Beels:Okay. Great.
Crystal Privett:So worth it.
Dave Lindsey:Thank you, guys.
Eric Beels:Well, thank you guys so much for listening to this this episode. If you know somebody who I think who who would be best for one of the some of the best people for this this episode is really that need to understand the the importance of the the longevity side of it, and that that, you know, it is a commitment. It is. It's not a short term. It's it's not a get rich quick scheme.
Eric Beels:It's a get rich slow scheme. But rich also in not just in, I think, financially, but also in mentally as well.
Crystal Privett:The richness of your heart.
Eric Beels:Yeah. Which is arguably a lot more important than than the, you know, the we people come for the the money side of things and stay for the relationships and the the mental wealth wealth, that you generate from it. So if you know someone that, you know, maybe is a little bit opposed to being a this could be a great episode for them to kind of, like, you know, maybe take us a second thought on on, joining the BNI chapter, which might help you. So you know someone that, like, you really want somebody in your your BNI chapter, this could be a good stepping stone for them to kind of, you know, take a second thought on that. It's also one of the ways that we really grow this show as well too.
Eric Beels:So it's, and it gives them as it gives yourself a CU and helps a friend out as well. So thank you so much for for, for listening.
Crystal Privett:Thank you for sharing this, and don't forget to log your single CEU. Thank you for joining us for the Business Boost Hour. My name is Crystal Pravette, and this is Eric Fields. Thank you for joining us, and don't forget to document your single CEU. See you next time.
Dave Lindsey:See you in the
Eric Beels:next episode.
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